
Last edit: 2023.10.19
Important note:

The TomTom Digital Cockpit SDK is not available for general use. Please contact us for more information.

omTom Digital Cockpit uses the system UI notification framework for receiving and responding to text-based messages, including SMS messages and third-party messages.

Receiving SMS message notifications

To receive messages in TomTom Digital Cockpit, a user needs to pair the phone via Bluetooth and grant synchronization permissions on both the phone and TomTom Digital Cockpit. Messages received from the phone will appear as heads-up notifications on TomTom Digital Cockpit.

An SMS message notification contains:

  • Avatar image
  • Name of the sender
  • Label + number of messages*
  • Primary action button - play / pause
  • Secondary action button - call
  • Quick-reply button

*The number of messages only shows when there is more than one message in the notification stack.


Filter based on sender type

SMS messages can often be from unknown senders and contain advertisements or promotions that are distracting the user while driving. Message notifications, therefore, are filtered, and the following table lists the sender types that are filtered out and when the notifications are shown.

Phone number typeSMS message
Unknown numberNot shown.
Phone book contactsShown.

Filter based on content type

Content typeSMS message
Contact, document, GIF, emoji, sticker or photo, location, voice message, incoming, outgoing, missed audio/video call.Not shown.

User flow overview

This flow shows how users can play sms messages as text-to-speech (TTS), call the message sender, respond with pre-defined messages (Quick-reply), and dismiss notifications.

messaging user flow