The Maps SDK for iOS allows you to initialize the map with a previously setup configuration. For
this purpose, use the init method TTMapView with frame and mapConfiguration.
The TTMapConfiguration object allows you to set initial map values with the following method:
viewportTransform: The TTViewportTransform object allows you to set an initial viewport
transform for the map configuration.
mapStyleConfiguration: The TTStyleConfiguration object allows you to add your own style
TomTomLogoPosition: The TTLogoPosition object allows you to place the logo on the map where you
wish by using enumerations containing positions and Offset information.
Use the following code snippets in your app to display maps of different locations (in this case,
the current location by placing a bounding box on Amsterdam and by centering the point to the TomTom
office in Łódź).
You can also set the positions of the TomTom logo, but remember that the logo must fully fit into
the bounds of mapview. Otherwise there is an exception due to an error in displaying the logo on the
let position =TTLogoPosition(verticalPosition:.bottom, horizontalPosition:.right, verticalOffset:-65, horizontalOffset:-170)