Progress along the route
Allow your users to visually distinguish the part of the route that has already been traveled. When a new location is set, the specified route style layer is drawn up to the desired location.
Sample use case: You want to show your user the part of the route that has already been traveled.
Use the following code snippet to create your route progress style:
let style = TTMapRouteStyleLayerBuilder().withColor(UIColor(red: 255 / 255, green: 153 / 255, blue: 0, alpha: 1.0)).build()
Use the following code snippet to activate showing the route progress layer on top of a route:
routeManager.activateProgress(alongTheRoute: route, withStyling: style)
Use the following code snippet to update the already traveled part of the route:
self.routeManager.updateProgress(alongTheRoute: self.mapRoute, with: location)
Screen shots presenting how progress along the route works: