We rolled out a new and better SDK for you.

Default style

Layer groups in the default style

IMPORTANT: The Maps SDK should be initialized with the style from Style Merger which only supports vector tiles. The approach of using a style that contains both raster and vector tiles was deprecated. After the deprecation period is over the default style will not contain raster layer groups.

In order to display raster tiles, you can check out our Map Tiles example.

The default style delivered with the SDK contains the following layer groups (background to foreground):

  1. Background: Color and pattern displayed in places where there is no other map data.
  2. Vector map: The baseline tile layer in vector format.
  3. Raster map: The baseline tile layer in raster format.
  4. Raster overlay for hybrid maps: Streets, labels, and icons on a transparent background.
  5. Traffic flow: Raster and vector traffic flow tile overlays.
  6. Traffic incidents: Raster and vector traffic incident tile overlays.
  7. Routes :Planned and alternative routes.
  8. Vector map labels and icons – Rendered on top of most other layers for better readability.
  9. GPS inaccuracy indicator - A circle indicating the GPS inaccuracy area.
  10. Position indicator - A static location marker.
  11. Chevron - An animated location marker.