Custom Notification Center

Last edit: 2024.02.02

Knowledge of the system UI will help you to understand this guide. If you are not yet familiar with it, feel free to take a look at the system UI overview.

Knowledge of notifications will help you to understand this guide. If you are not yet familiar with it, feel free to take a look at the notifications overview

The system UI of the TomTom Digital Cockpit may contain a NotificationCenterPanelContainer to display notifications. This notification center container can be customized by providing a custom header and/or a custom empty state layout.

This tutorial shows how to use a notification center container with a custom header and custom empty state layout.

This tutorial describes how to create and use a custom notification center, the creation of a custom system UI is described in the Custom Frontend Coordination Rule tutorial.

Create custom notification center header layout

Create file custom_notificationcenter_header.xml. This file may contain a variable named viewModel of type NotificationCenterHeaderViewModel that gets automatically set when initializing the NotificationCenterPanelContainer. The layout can use the view model for closing the container and for dismissing all dismissible notifications.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 xmlns:android=""
4 xmlns:auto="">
6 <data>
8 <variable
9 name="viewModel"
10 type="com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.common.systemuihost.viewmodel.NotificationCenterHeaderViewModel" />
12 </data>
14 <LinearLayout
15 android:layout_width="match_parent"
16 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
17 android:background="?attr/tt_surface_content_color_highlight"
18 android:orientation="horizontal"
19 android:paddingHorizontal="?attr/tt_spacing_10"
20 android:id="@+id/custom_header"
21 >
23 <FrameLayout
24 android:id="@+id/ttivi_notificationcenter_close_container"
25 android:layout_width="wrap_content"
26 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
27 android:padding="?attr/tt_spacing_4"
28 auto:ttTouchDelegateView="@{ttiviNotificationcenterClose}">
30 <
31 android:id="@+id/ttivi_notificationcenter_close"
32 style="?attr/tt_button_style"
33 android:onClick="@{() -> viewModel.onClose()}"
34 auto:ttActionType="primary"
35 auto:ttDrawable="@drawable/ttivi_systemui_notification_icon_close"
36 auto:ttDrawableTintMatchesTextColor="true" />
37 </FrameLayout>
39 <
40 style="?attr/tt_textview_style"
41 android:layout_width="0dp"
42 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
43 android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
44 android:layout_marginStart="?attr/tt_spacing_10"
45 android:layout_weight="1"
46 android:maxLines="1"
47 android:text="@string/custom_notification_center"
48 android:textAppearance="?attr/tt_label_text_style_l" />
50 <FrameLayout
51 android:id="@+id/ttivi_notificationcenter_dismiss_all_container"
52 android:layout_width="wrap_content"
53 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
54 android:clickable="@{viewModel.hasDismissibleNotifications}"
55 android:padding="?attr/tt_spacing_4"
56 auto:ttTouchDelegateView="@{ttiviNotificationcenterDismissAll}"
57 >
59 <
60 android:id="@+id/ttivi_notificationcenter_dismiss_all"
61 style="?attr/tt_button_style"
62 android:enabled="@{viewModel.hasDismissibleNotifications}"
63 android:onClick="@{() -> viewModel.onDismissAll()}"
64 android:text="@string/ttivi_systemui_notifications_dismissall"
65 auto:ttActionType="secondary"
66 auto:ttDrawable="@drawable/ttivi_systemui_notification_icon_dismissall"
67 auto:ttDrawableTintMatchesTextColor="true" />
69 </FrameLayout>
71 </LinearLayout>

Use custom notification center header layout in a system UI layout

Add ttiviHeaderLayoutId to NotificationCenterPanelContainer, and assign your custom layout ttivi_customnotificationcenter_header to it in the ttivi_customnotificationcenter_customsystemui.xml file.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<layout xmlns:android=""
3 ...
4 <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
5 ...
6 >
8 <com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.common.systemuihost.panelcontainer.NotificationCenterPanelContainer
9 ...
10 auto:ttiviHeaderLayoutId="@layout/ttivi_customnotificationcenter_header" />
11 ...
12 </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>

Create custom notification center empty state layout

Create file custom_notificationcenter_emptystate.xml.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 xmlns:android="">
5 <
6 android:id="@+id/custom_empty_state"
7 android:layout_width="wrap_content"
8 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
9 android:gravity="center"
10 android:text="@string/empty" />

Use the custom empty state layout for the notification center panel container in the system UI

Add the ttiviEmptyStateLayoutId attribute of the NotificationCenterPanelContainer pointing to your custom notification center empty state layout in the ttivi_customnotificationcenter_customsystemui.xml file.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<layout xmlns:android=""
3 ...
4 <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
5 ...
6 >
8 <com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.common.systemuihost.panelcontainer.NotificationCenterPanelContainer
9 ...
10 auto:ttiviEmptyStateLayoutId="@layout/ttivi_customnotificationcenter_emptystate" />
11 ...
12 </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>

See the custom notification center header and empty state

After the application is built and deployed to a target device, see the custom notification center header and empty state by following these steps:

  • Tap on the bell icon.
  • See the notification center with the custom header and empty state layout.
Custom notification center