Integrate TomTom Digital Cockpit into a Gradle Project
Important note:The TomTom Digital Cockpit SDK is not available for general use. Please contact us for more information.
This pages contains the steps required to integrate the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform into an existing Android Gradle project. If you are new to TomTom Digital Cockpit, our recommendation is to use the examples as a starting point, as these already cover the steps described on this page. Use the steps on this page as a reference to integrate the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform into an existing / newly created Android Gradle project. These steps assume a basic level of experience with setting up Gradle build files using Kotlin.
Maven repositories
Gradle will need to be able to download TomTom Digital Cockpit platform dependencies from TomTom's Maven repositories, for which login credentials are required. These can be obtained from TomTom.
Access to these repositories can be configured in Gradle as follows:
12fun RepositoryHandler.tomtomArtifactory() {3 val repoName = artifactoryRepo ?: "ivi"4 maven("$repoName") {5 credentials {6 username = extra["artifactoryEdgeUser"].toString()7 password = extra["artifactoryEdgeToken"].toString()8 }9 content {10 includeGroupByRegex("com\\.tomtom\\..+")11 includeGroup("com.tomtom")12 includeGroup("")13 }14 }15}1617pluginManagement.repositories {18 // Local artifact cache.19 mavenLocal()2021 tomtomArtifactory()2223 // External repositories.24 mavenCentral()25 google()26 maven("")27}2829dependencyResolutionManagement {30 repositories {31 // Local artifact cache.32 mavenLocal()3334 tomtomArtifactory()3536 // External repositories.37 mavenCentral()38 google()39 maven("")40 }41}
The above needs to be applied to buildscript
, buildSrc
and to all projects. As such, apply this
file in the Gradle settings files.
apply(from = "build-logic/repositories.gradle.kts")
apply(from = "../build-logic/repositories.gradle.kts")
Dependency management
The TomTom Digital Cockpit platform publishes a version catalog which you can use to ensure your product uses the same versions as used by the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform.
1dependencyResolutionManagement {2 versionCatalogs {3 create("iviDependencies") {4 val group = "com.tomtom.ivi.platform"5 val artifact = "dependencies-catalog"6 val version = "<TOMTOM-DIGITAL-COCKPIT-VERSION>"7 from("${group}:${artifact}:${version}")8 }9 }10}
with the TomTom Digital Cockpit version you want to use, in format
Next, apply this file in the top-level settings.gradle.kts
file and buildSrc/settings.gradle.kts
BuildSrc dependencies
The TomTom Digital Cockpit platform provides Gradle plugins for the build-time configuration of the TomTom
Digital Cockpit platform. This allows you to, for example, include all of Digital Cockpit's default frontends in your
product. To allow these Gradle plugins to be used in the Gradle projects, it is required to add them
as implementation
dependencies to the buildSrc
. The following adds these dependencies:
1dependencies {2 val iviPlatformVersion = "<TOMTOM-DIGITAL-COCKPIT-VERSION>"34 // Mandatory: Plugin to configure the IVI application at build-time.5 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.gradle:api_framework_config:$iviPlatformVersion")67 // Optional: Plugin to use the default frontends and services from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform8 // and app suite.9 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.product.gradle:api_productdefaults_core:$iviPlatformVersion")1011 // Mandatory: For IVI services plugins.12 implementation(iviDependencies.gradlePluginKsp)13}
Root project configuration
Apply the following plugins to the root Gradle project:
1plugins {2 `kotlin-dsl`3 ...4 // Mandatory: For IVI service plugins.5 id("") apply false67 // Mandatory: For configuring the IVI application at build-time.8 id("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.framework.config")9}
In the same file, configure the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform dependency source.
1ivi {2 dependencySource =3 IviDependencySource.ArtifactRepository(libraries.versions.iviPlatform.get())4}
Integrating TomTom Digital Cockpit platform into the APK
To integrate the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform into an APK, you can add the following to the build file of the project that builds the APK:
1plugins {2 // Optional: To use the default frontends and services from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform3 // and app suite.4 id("com.tomtom.ivi.product.defaults.core")5 // Optional: Add a non-default frontend.6 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.alexa.defaults.alexa")7}89ivi {10 application {11 enabled = true12 }13}
The Gradle plugin applied in this example id("com.tomtom.ivi.product.defaults.core")
configures all the default frontends, frontend extensions, menu items and IVI service hosts from the
TomTom Digital Cockpit platform and app suite for the default runtime deployment. Unless defined otherwise
all default components are enabled in the ivi
If you only want to apply defaults from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform without the appsuite default, you
can achieve this by only applying the platform Gradle
plugin: id("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.defaults.core")
Furthermore, you can add specific non-default platform or appsuite plugins, such
as id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.alexa.defaults.alexa")
. However, any non-default plugin components
need to be enabled explicitly in the ivi
Configuring the IVI application
The ivi
contains three important blocks. The iviInstances
, the services
the runtime
. If any of these blocks are not specified, defaults will apply. However, by using the
blocks, one can have control over how the platform is integrated.
This can be achieved in a fine-grained way by specifically adding, removing or replacing components such as frontends, or in a more coarse-grained way by including or excluding groups.
1ivi {2 application {3 enabled = true4 iviInstances {5 create(IviInstanceIdentifier.default) {6 applyGroups {7 includeDefaultPlatformGroups() // Include everything from TTDC platform.8 includeDefaultAppsuiteGroups() // Include everything from TTDC appsuite.9 include(IviAppsuite.alexaGroup) // Include explicit opt-in app suite plugin.10 exclude(IviPlatform.debugGroup) // Exclude the default debug group.11 }12 frontends {13 replace(userProfileFrontend, accountFrontend)14 remove(mediaFrontend)15 }16 menuItems {17 add(myMenuItem)18 replace(userProfileMenuItem, accountMenuItem to accountFrontend)19 }20 }21 }22 services {23 applyGroups {24 includeDefaultPlatformGroups()25 includeDefaultAppsuiteGroups()26 include(IviAppsuite.alexaGroup)27 exclude(IviPlatform.debugGroup)28 }29 }30 }31}
Applying groups can be particularly useful for long term stable integration. For instance, in the
above example, the alexaGroup
is an opt-in group. Instead of adding the specific frontend and menu
items specifically, the entire group is added. This is robust against future changes, which may add
or remove frontends or menu items. If the fine-grained method is used, it would require changes to
the build.gradle.kts
, but using groups this is not needed.
Similarly, if a default group needs to be excluded, this can be achieved by excluding all components
individually (frontends, menu items, services), or simply by excluding its group. The example below
includes the appStoreGroup
for the minimal
product flavor.
12androidApplication {3 // Define the `default` and `minimal` product flavors:4 flavorDimensions.add("iviapplication")5 productFlavors {6 create("default") {7 dimension = "iviapplication"8 isDefault = true9 }10 create("minimal") {11 dimension = "iviapplication"12 }13 }14}1516androidComponents {17 // Configure each variant (defaultDebug, defaultRelease, minimalDebug, minimalRelease):18 onVariants { variant ->19 variant.ivi {20 application {21 enabled = true22 iviInstances {23 create(IviInstanceIdentifier.default) {24 applyGroups {25 includeDefaultPlatformGroups() // Include everything from TTDC platform.26 includeDefaultAppsuiteGroups() // Include everything from TTDC appsuite.27 if (variant.flavorName == "minimal") {28 exclude(IviAppsuite.appStoreGroup) // Exclude the app store.29 }30 }31 }32 }33 services {34 applyGroups {35 includeDefaultPlatformGroups()36 includeDefaultAppsuiteGroups()37 if (variant.flavorName == "minimal") {38 exclude(IviAppsuite.appStoreGroup)39 }40 }41 }42 }43 }44 }45}
Customization of TomTom Digital Cockpit platform and appsuite default frontends and services
The Gradle plugin applied in the example above id("com.tomtom.ivi.product.defaults.core")
enables all the default frontends, frontend extensions, menu items and IVI service hosts from the
TomTom Digital Cockpit platform and app suite for default runtime deployment.
If you only want to apply defaults from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform without the appsuite
default, you can achieve this by only applying the id("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.defaults.core")
Gradle plugin. Additionally, if you want to include a selection of the TomTom Digital Cockpit
Applications, you can apply the Gradle plugin for each individual TomTom Digital Cockpit
To allow these Gradle plugins to be used in the Gradle projects, it is required to add them as
dependencies to the buildSrc
. The following adds these dependencies:
1dependencies {2 val iviPlatformVersion = "<TOMTOM-DIGITAL-COCKPIT-VERSION>"34 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the default frontends and services from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform.5 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.gradle:api_defaults_core:$iviPlatformVersion")67 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Media TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.8 implementation("$iviPlatformVersion")9 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Communications TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.10 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.communications:api_appsuitedefaults_communications:$iviPlatformVersion")11 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from User Profiles TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.12 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.userprofiles:api_appsuitedefaults_userprofiles:$iviPlatformVersion")13 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Vehicle Settings TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.14 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.vehiclesettings:api_appsuitedefaults_vehiclesettings:$iviPlatformVersion")1516 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from App Store TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.17 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.appstore:api_appsuitedefaults_appstore:$iviPlatformVersion")18 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Bluetooth TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.19 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.bluetooth:api_appsuitedefaults_bluetooth:$iviPlatformVersion")20 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Companion TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.21 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.companionapp:api_appsuitedefaults_companionapp:$iviPlatformVersion")22 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Hvac TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.23 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.hvac:api_appsuitedefaults_hvac:$iviPlatformVersion")24 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Messaging TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.25 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.messaging:api_appsuitedefaults_messaging:$iviPlatformVersion")26 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Navigation TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.27 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.navigation:api_appsuitedefaults_navigation:$iviPlatformVersion")28 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from System Status TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.29 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.systemstatus:api_appsuitedefaults_systemstatus2:$iviPlatformVersion")30 // Optional: Plugin to configure in the defaults from Vpa TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.31 implementation("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.gradle.vpa:api_appsuitedefaults_vpa:$iviPlatformVersion")32}
And then, apply necessary plugins in the build.gradle.kts
of the project that builds the APK:
1plugins {2 // Optional: To use the default frontends and services from the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform only.3 // This plugin should be always applied first, before the rest of the `defaults` plugins.4 id("com.tomtom.ivi.platform.defaults.core")56 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Media TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.7 id("")8 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Communications TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.9 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.communications.defaults.communications")10 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from User Profiles TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.11 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.userprofiles.defaults.userprofiles")12 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Vehicle Settings TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.13 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.vehiclesettings.defaults.vehiclesettings")1415 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from App Store TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.16 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.appstore.defaults.appstore")17 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Bluetooth TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.18 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.bluetooth.defaults.bluetooth")19 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Companion App TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.20 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.companionapp.defaults.companionapp")21 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Hvac TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.22 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.hvac.defaults.hvac")23 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Messaging TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.24 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.messaging.defaults.messaging")25 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Navigation TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.26 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.navigation.defaults.navigation")27 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from System Status TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.28 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.systemstatus.defaults.systemstatus")29 // Optional: To configure in the defaults from Vpa TomTom Digital Cockpit Application.30 id("com.tomtom.ivi.appsuite.vpa.defaults.vpa")31}
Note: Some of these Gradle plugins add menu items. The order in which these plugins are applied, defines the order of the menu items in the main menu frontend.
Module references
Before adding frontends or IVI service hosts, our recommendation is to implement the
The ModuleReference
implementation class can be used in the build configurations of the frontend
and IVI service host later on. It will be used to refer to modules that implement the frontend or
IVI service host, and also to resolve the full-qualified package names.
Create the ModuleReference
implementation class <ProjectName>ModuleReference
in buildSrc
You can use
as an example.