Create a Custom Contacts Service
Important note:The TomTom Digital Cockpit SDK is not available for general use. Please contact us for more information.
The IVI platform comes with a ContactsService
interface for getting access
to address book contacts. A product may provide its own implementation of the
interface or use an existing implementation. In order for
the UI to be able to display contacts from this service, a custom contacts service needs to be
written. This document describes how to do this.
How to create a custom contacts service
The following sections describe how to create a custom contacts service implementation.
Example code illustrating how to implement the concepts described in this document can be found in
Service module setup
To create a custom contacts service, add a dependency to the ContactsService
in the Gradle file of your module.
file should contain:
1dependencies {2 implementation(libraries.iviPlatformContactsApiServiceContacts)3}
Service configuration
To configure a contacts service to use your custom implementation, define a service host
configuration class that inherits from the IviServiceHostConfig
class. This class should be placed in the application Gradle build file.
1val customContactsServiceHost by extra {2 IviServiceHostConfig(3 serviceHostBuilderName = "CustomContactsServiceHostBuilder",4 implementationModule = ExampleModuleReference("examples_telephony_customcontacts"),5 interfaces = listOf(6 IviServiceInterfaceConfig(7 serviceName = "ContactsService",8 serviceApiModule = IviPlatformModuleReference("platform_contacts_api_service_contacts")9 )10 )11 )12}
In this configuration, the services_customcontacts
module defines the implementation for
the platform_contacts_api_service_contacts
In order to create the service host configuration named CustomContactsServiceHost
, the IVI
platform needs a service host builder class with the specific
name CustomContactsServiceHostBuilder
1class CustomContactsServiceHostBuilder : SimpleIviServiceHostBuilder() {23 override fun createIviServices(4 iviServiceHostContext: IviServiceHostContext5 ): Collection<AnyIviServiceBase> =6 listOf(CustomContactsService(iviServiceHostContext))78 companion object9}
Note: Every service host configuration needs to be registered in your application. This is necessary to know which service should be started with which implementation when a client requires the access to a service api.
To register this configuration, add the service host to your application
1ivi {2 optInToExperimentalApis = true34 application {5 enabled = true6 services {7 // Replace the default contact service with the custom contacts service.8 removeHost(contactsServiceHost)9 addHost(customContactsServiceHost)10 }11 }12}
Service definition
In order to create a custom contacts service implementation you need to create a class that inherits
from the ContactsServiceBase
1internal class CustomContactsService(iviServiceHostContext: IviServiceHostContext) :2 ContactsServiceBase(iviServiceHostContext) {34 private val mutableContacts = MutableContactsDataSource(context)5}
Note: The contacts service implementation can define any kind of source for the list of contacts, for example the Android Contacts provider.
In this example the contacts service contains two contacts. The list of contacts contains those two
contacts after initialization. The mutable list contactsSource
is the source of contacts:
1// The source of contacts.2private val contactsSource = mutableListOf(3 Contact(4 displayName = "John Smith",5 initials = "JS",6 givenName = "John",7 familyName = "Smith",8 companyName = "Company Name",9 phoneNumbers = listOf(PhoneNumber("+281111111", PhoneNumberType.Main)),10 defaultPhoneNumberIndex = 0,11 addresses = listOf(Address("45 Some Street, SomeCity, SC 10000", AddressType.Home)),12 defaultAddressIndex = 0,13 favorite = true,14 primarySortKey = "John Smith",15 alternativeSortKey = "Smith John"16 ),17 Contact(18 displayName = "Kelly Goodwin",19 initials = "KG",20 givenName = "Kelly",21 familyName = "Goodwin",22 companyName = "Another Company Name",23 phoneNumbers = listOf(PhoneNumber("+2822222222", PhoneNumberType.Mobile)),24 defaultPhoneNumberIndex = 0,25 addresses = listOf(26 Address(27 "45 Some Other Street, SomeOtherCity, SC 12000",28 AddressType.Work29 )30 ),31 defaultAddressIndex = 0,32 favorite = false,33 primarySortKey = "Kelly Goodwin",34 alternativeSortKey = "Goodwin Kelly"35 ),36)
Service lifecycle
To manage the initialization and destruction of the service, override the onCreate
and onDestroy
When the service is created:
1override fun onCreate() {2 super.onCreate()3 // Initialize the synchronization status.4 phoneBookSynchronizationStatus = PhoneBookSynchronizationStatus.NO_CONNECTED_DEVICES5 // Bind the contacts property to an empty mutable map.6 contacts = mutableContacts7 // Set the service ready and clients can call any Api of the service.8 serviceReady = true910 // The source of contacts is ready and synchronization starts.11 phoneBookSynchronizationStatus = PhoneBookSynchronizationStatus.SYNCHRONIZATION_IN_PROGRESS12 // Updating the contacts property with some contacts from the source13 mutableContacts.addContacts(contactsSource)14}
The ContactsService.contacts
properties have been
When the service is destroyed:
1override fun onDestroy() {2 // Put here cleaning code if necessary.3 super.onDestroy()4}
External links
- TomTom Digital Cockpit
. - Android
Contacts provider