Update over different networks

Checking for updates

In 15.6 Pavarotti and previous releases, software update checks are performed automatically every hour when connected to a WiFi network. As of 16.1 Fermi, automatic update checks can be enabled over a specific network type and the frequency of the checks can be set (or turned off).

Enable automatic update checks over any network.

This can be done by adding the following to your update-locations file:

"networks_for_scan": ["wifi|any"]

This needs to be specified at the top of the update-locations, and can only apply to all uris/files. Example (scan over any network):

2 "schema": "2",
3 "networks_for_scan": ["any"],
4 "update_scan_interval": "30",
5 "uris": [
6 { "uri": "https://example.com/folder/package-list.system" },
7 { "uri": "https://example.com/content/package-list.content.oceania" }
8 ]

If not specified, update checks will run over WiFi only. Important: the default update check runs once every hour, this could result in high data costs. To change this see Configuration Options.

Allowing updates over a specific network type.

As of 16.1 Fermi packages can be downloaded over a specific network type. This can be set on a per package basis so that some packages can be updated over a specific network type while others will need a WiFi connection to be downloaded. Packages can be set to download over a specific network type in a package-list. Note that, unlike "networks_for_scan", which is defined in the ** update-locations** file, "networks_for_download" is specified per package in the package-list.

"networks_for_download": ["wifi|any"]

If no network type is specified packages will only be downloaded over WiFi.

To help illustrate this feature let's use the following packages as an example:

1"packages": [
2 { "name": "voices.eng.serena.dri80.sam", "path": "TTS/voices.eng.serena.dri80.sam_20120327_arm.ttpkg", "version": "20120327", "networks_for_download": ["any"]},
3 { "name": "europe", "path": "maps/europe_926.5515_arm.ttpkg", "version": "926.5515", "networks_for_download": ["any"]},
4 { "name": "music", "path": "hardrock.zip", "version": "2.1.3", "networks_for_download": ["wifi"]}
5 ]

Case 1: music has an update and there is a non-WiFi data connection. The update will fail and no packages will be downloaded.

Case 2: All packages need an update and there is a non-WiFi data connection. The update will fail and no packages downloaded.

Case 3: voices.eng.serena.dri80.sam & europe need an update available and there is a non-WiFi data connection. The packages will be downloaded and the update will complete.

Case 4: All packages need an update and there is a WiFi connection. The packages will be downloaded and the update will complete.

Important: Package downloads consume a lot of data so it's important to test the setup chosen for your solution to understand how much data can be used by package downloads. If not tested large network costs may be the result.