UI components
Navigation SDK for Android is only available upon request. Contact us to get started.
The Navigation SDK provides UI components for displaying navigation information in an attractive way.
The UI components are provided as a separate module. Before you use it, be sure to add its dependency to your module’s build.gradle.kts
The UI components module includes the Text-To-Speech (TTS) component.
The module provides two main components that can be used to build your own navigation app.
- The first component is
, an Android ViewGroup subclass that can be used like a standard view to build a screen.NavigationView
provides all the methods needed to configure views for navigation. - The second component is
, another Android Fragment subclass that wraps both the wholeNavigationView
The main difference between NavigationFragment
and NavigationView
is that NavigationView
requires you to handle all navigation events yourself, while the NavigationFragment
does it inside a class and automatically updates the view states.
Navigation view
This UI component is used to display all navigation information. It requires you to update views yourself. If you prefer not to do this, you can use the NavigationFragment.
consists of the following views:
- Guidance view
- Street view
- Speed view
- Arrival view
The UI components support both portrait and landscape modes.
Guidance view
Guidance view is the container for:
- Next instruction view
- Route line progress view
- Estimated time of arrival (ETA) view
- Lane guidance view
- Combined instruction view
- Route updated view
Next instruction view
The Next instruction view displays information about the next maneuver, the distance to that maneuver, and the name of the street where the maneuver ends.
The user can also mute/unmute voice guidance by tapping the sound toggle button.
provides a set of methods to configure this view.
1val instruction =2 ForkGuidanceInstruction(3 id = UniqueId(),4 routeOffset = Distance.meters(2000),5 maneuverPoint = GeoPoint(52.377956, 4.897070),6 drivingSide = DrivingSide.RIGHT,7 combineWithNext = false,8 nextSignificantRoad =9 Road(10 name = "Piet Heinkade",11 numbers = listOf("s100"),12 shields = listOf(RoadShield(fullRoadNumber = "s100", shieldContent = "100")),13 ),14 signpost = Signpost(exitNumber = "25"),15 forkDirection = ForkDirection.Left,16 )17navigationView.setNextInstruction(instruction)18navigationView.setDistanceToManeuver(Distance.meters(1700), UnitSystem.Metric)19navigationView.setGuidanceInstructionText("Piet Heinkade")20navigationView.setRoadShields(listOf("s100"))21navigationView.setMotorwayExit("25")22navigationView.setAudioState(enabled = true)23navigationView.setAudioToggleButtonClickListener { view: View ->24 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE25}
Route line progress view
The Route line progress view shows the progress along the route.
To set the progress, call setRouteLineProgress(routeLength, traveledDistance)
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) view
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) view displays information about the arrival time, remaining distance, and remaining time. It also contains a cancel button so the user can stop navigation.
The NavigationView
has methods to set up properties for this view.
1val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()2calendar.set(2022, 6, 14, 13, 25)3navigationView.setArrivalTime(calendar)4navigationView.setDistanceToDestination(Distance.meters(3800), UnitSystem.Metric)5navigationView.setTravelTime(8.minutes)
Set a listener to handle cancel button click events.
1navigationView.setCancelButtonClickListener { view: View ->2 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE3}
Lane guidance view
Lane guidance view indicates what lane(s) the user should drive on.
The lane guidance view fits into the place of the ETA view. The user can close it by tapping it.
To set the lanes call setLanes(List<Lane>)
If the list is empty, the lane guidance view is hidden.
Combined instruction view
Combined instruction view shows the user the maneuver coming immediately after the next one.
This view is shown in the place of the ETA view. If the user taps it, it closes.
The NavigationView
allows you to set the combined instruction.
1val instruction =2 TurnGuidanceInstruction(3 id = UniqueId(),4 routeOffset = Distance.meters(2000),5 maneuverPoint = GeoPoint(52.377956, 4.897070),6 drivingSide = DrivingSide.RIGHT,7 combineWithNext = false,8 nextSignificantRoad =9 Road(10 name = "Piet Heinkade",11 numbers = listOf("s100"),12 shields = listOf(RoadShield(fullRoadNumber = "s100", shieldContent = "100")),13 ),14 signpost = Signpost(exitNumber = "25"),15 turnDirection = TurnDirection.TurnLeft,16 turnAngle = Angle.degrees(30),17 )18navigationView.setCombinedInstruction(instruction)
You can also hide it.
Route updated view
The Route updated view notifies the user that the route has been updated.
This view is shown in the place of the ETA view. The user can close it by tapping on it.
To show a route updated notification, call showRouteUpdatedView()
Street view
The Street view displays the current street name.
To set the content for the street view, call setStreetText(String)
. You can manage the visibility of this view with showStreetView()
and hideStreetView()
Speed view
The Speed view displays the speed limit on the current street and the user’s current speed.
The NavigationView
supports setting the click listener on the speed limit and current speed views.
1navigationView.setSpeedLimitClickListener { view: View ->2 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE3}
1navigationView.setCurrentSpeedClickListener { view: View ->2 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE3}
You can also change the visibility of the whole Speed view programmatically.
Arrival view
The Arrival view is shown when the ArrivalDetectionEngine
detects that the user reaches the destination. The finish button on the view stops navigation.
You can set the description for the arrival destination to be either an address or the name of the location.
To show the view call showArrivalView()
To handle clicks on the finish button, set the listener.
1navigationView.setArrivalViewButtonClickListener { view: View ->2 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE3}
Navigation fragment
All of the previously described UI components are part of NavigationFragment
. You can access NavigationView
from NavigationFragment
by calling NavigationFragment.navigationView
is not only the UI component container, but also the wrapper forTomTomNavigation
. If you want navigation to manage all the views, useNavigationFragment
handles all events from navigation internally and automatically updates the views.
You can learn how to create TomTomNavigation
in the Quickstart guide.
can be instantiated either programmatically or by using XML view inflation.
Define NavigationUiOptions
to configure the UI options. You can set following properties:
- This sets theUnitSystemType
of the distance displayed before upcoming maneuvers, speed and voice guidance.
It is set by default to UnitSystemType.default
. * isSoundEnabled
- This sets whether or not voice guidance should be used. Sound is enabled by default. * keepInBackground
- This sets whether or not the navigation should be kept in the background within the Android Service.
By default it is set to false
. * voiceLanguage
- This sets the language for voice guidance. The default language is US English.
You can keep navigation in the background using the Android Service. A notification appears, reporting that navigation is running. The service is disconnected when the
is destroyed. Beginning with Android 13 (API level 33), you must request a user for notification permission at runtime. Detailed instructions for requesting the notification permission on Android is found at Notification runtime permission.
Use the created NavigationUiOptions
object to instantiate the NavigationFragment
with its NavigationFragment.newInstance(NavigationUiOptions)
1val navigationUiOptions =2 NavigationUiOptions(3 voiceLanguage = Locale.getDefault(),4 keepInBackground = true,5 isSoundEnabled = false,6 unitSystemType = UnitSystemType.default,7 )8val navigationFragment = NavigationFragment.newInstance(navigationUiOptions)
Once NavigationFragment
is created, add it to the container created in your layout. You can do this by using FragmentManager
1supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()2 .add(R.id.navigation_fragment_container, navigationFragment)3 .commitNow()
1<androidx.fragment.app.FragmentContainerView2 android:id="@+id/navigation_fragment_container"3 android:layout_width="match_parent"4 android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
XML view inflation
Follow these steps for XML view inflation: * Add a fragment container for NavigationFragment
- Declare the TomTom namespace
. - Provide the
property to the fragment. - You can specify the same properties by using
1<androidx.fragment.app.FragmentContainerView2 xmlns:tomtom="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"3 android:id="@+id/navigation_fragment"4 android:name="com.tomtom.sdk.navigation.ui.NavigationFragment"5 android:layout_width="match_parent"6 android:layout_height="match_parent"7 tomtom:tomtom_navigation_units="Metric"8 tomtom:tomtom_navigation_soundEnabled="false"9 tomtom:tomtom_navigation_keepInBackground="true"10 tomtom:tomtom_navigation_voiceLanguage="pl-PL" />
At this point, you can obtain the NavigationFragment
object in the code by using FragmentManager
val navigationFragment =supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.navigation_fragment) as NavigationFragment
If you’re using NavigationFragment
, all of the TomTomNavigation
listeners are still valid.
You can read about them in the turn-by-turn navigation guide or in the free driving guide.
You can also set the NavigationListener
to listen to navigation events.
- This is called when navigation has started.onStopped()
- This is called when the cancel button on the ETA view or the finish button on the arrival view is clicked. You need to stop navigation and dispose of it yourself.
1val navigationListener =2 object : NavigationFragment.NavigationListener {3 override fun onStarted() {4 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE5 }67 override fun onStopped() {8 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE9 }10 }11navigationFragment.addNavigationListener(navigationListener)
If the listener is no longer needed it can be removed.
is a wrapper for TomTomNavigation
. This means you have to set TomTomNavigation
to the fragment. This must be done before any of the following methods are called:
Once TomTomNavigation
is set, you can start navigation.
Free driving
Navigation can be done in free driving mode, which means you are driving without a planned route. You can learn more about free driving mode in the Free driving guide.
To start navigation without a route, call the startNavigation()
In free driving mode, only the Speed view and Street view are visible.
Turn-by-turn navigation
In turn-by-turn navigation mode, the Navigation SDK provides UI components that help the user follow the route. It shows progress along the route, the next maneuver, the estimated arrival time and the remaining distance and time to the destination.
As with free driving mode, the Speed view and Street view are also visible.
If you have a Route
you can start navigation. You can read how to request the Route
in the Planning a route guide). Detailed information about turn-by-turn navigation is found in the Turn by turn Navigation Guide. Use the Route
object and the RoutePlanningOptions
that were used during route planning to create a RoutePlan
The RoutePlan
object is used to start navigation with the provided route.
1val amsterdam = GeoPoint(52.377956, 4.897070)2val rotterdam = GeoPoint(51.926517, 4.462456)3val routePlanningOptions =4 RoutePlanningOptions(5 itinerary = Itinerary(origin = amsterdam, destination = rotterdam),6 guidanceOptions = GuidanceOptions(),7 )89// NOTE: Route request...10val routePlan = RoutePlan(route = route, routePlanningOptions = routePlanningOptions)11navigationFragment.startNavigation(routePlan)
The displayed UI component makes the chevron hover over the map. That operation requires map padding to be set. The padding values are specified in pixels.
1val bottomPaddingInDp = 2622val bottomPaddingInPixels = (bottomPaddingInDp * resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()3tomTomMap.setPadding(Padding(left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = bottomPaddingInPixels))
You can check the size of the navigation panel and observe its changes using the Guidance view.
In addition, if the Route
contains a LaneSection
list, the NavigationFragment
shows the Lane guidance view when required. To make lane guidance more precise, the Route
should also contain a SpeedLimitSection
Voice guidance
provides voice guidance as well as visual guidance. The voice guidance requires that RouteLeg
s of the Route
contain Instruction
s with verbal Announcement
s. The announcements on the motorway should be triggered further from the instruction point than default. To do this the Route
has to contain a list of MotorwaySection
You can change the TextToSpeechEngine
used to synthesize audio instructions.
To do this, use the changeTextToSpeechEngine(TextToSpeechEngine)
method. You can learn more about the TextToSpeechEngine
also allows you to change the TTS language.
You can also use LanguageChangedListener
to update TTS language when TomTomNavigation
language has been changed.
1val onLanguageChangeListener =2 LanguageChangedListener { language: Locale ->3 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE4 }5tomTomNavigation.addLanguageChangedListener(onLanguageChangeListener)
If the listener is no longer needed it can be removed.
Distance, speed, and voice guidance units
allows you to set the units for displaying distance and speed and for voice guidance.
The Route
that navigation is following can be updated at any time. To update the route, create a new RoutePlan
and call the setActiveRoutePlan(RoutePlan)
1val newRoutePlan =2 RoutePlan(route = newRoute, routePlanningOptions = newRoutePlanningOptions)3navigationFragment.setActiveRoutePlan(newRoutePlan)
You can learn more about updating the Route
in the Route Replanning Guide.
The navigation has to be stopped manually even if the user reaches the destination. To stop navigation, call the stopNavigation()
It stops the underlying TomTomNavigation
and quits showing the UI components.
method must be called first.
If you want to dispose the navigation you have to do it directly on the TomTomNavigation
Next steps
Since you have learned about the navigation UI components, here are recommendations for the next steps: