TomTom SDK version status

Our TomTom SDKs provide you with a collection of SDK APIs to build location-aware applications.
An SDK API as we use the term here includes interfaces, classes, and methods as made available in the API Reference for Android and the API Reference for iOS. The SDK API uses the following statuses:


General Availability (GA): An SDK API that has General Availability status is the most current version of the product and it is fully supported.


Deprecated: An SDK API that has a Deprecated status is scheduled to be decommissioned. Critical bug fixes are maintained for at least 3 months from the deprecation announcement date. Those who actively develop their applications using a deprecated SDK element must migrate to the latest version. After the deprecation period, the SDK API will be removed.


Public Preview (PP): An SDK API that has a Public Preview status is released for the purpose of collecting feedback from the community. While we mature the APIs towards General Availability, incompatible changes may happen at any time, and we will make sure to communicate them in the release notes.


Experimental: An SDK API that has internal or incomplete functionality. Do not use it as it is subject to change or removal at any time, without deprecation, and is not guaranteed to remain functional.

Public Preview
General Availability
Release capabilities for feedback and mature API
Release production-ready capabilities covered by a policy of three-month deprecation notice
Development freeze and no more updates
No longer available
Not available
Available for use on TomTom Developer Portal


changes are announced in Release Notes
Available for use on TomTom Developer Portal


changes announced in Release Notes
Available during deprecation period


Announced in Release Notes
Removed from documentation pages
Not supported
Updated with bug fixes and new features
Updated with bug fixes and new features
Only critical bugs are resolved