Abbreviated Index Values

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2024.05.31
TomTom Orbis Maps

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  • This TomTom Orbis Maps Search API document collection is in Public Preview. Go to the Public Preview - what is it? page to see what this means.
  • This API is powered by TomTom Orbis Maps.
  • See the TomTom Orbis Maps documentation for more information.

List [array] of abbreviated index values

Abbreviated values are applicable to the Search and Geocoding services. In some cases, a list of indexes can be passed as a parameter to a query, which should be listed with their abbreviations. The available abbreviated values are:



Address ranges : for some streets there are address points that are interpolated from the beginning and end of the street; those points are represented as address ranges.


Geographies : areas on a map which represent administrative divison of a land, i.e., country, state, city.


Point Addresses : points on a map where specific address with a street name and number can be found in an index, i.e., Soquel Dr 2501.


Points of Interest : points on a map that are worth attention and may be interesting.


Streets : representation of streets on the map.


Cross Streets (intersections) : representations of junctions; places where two streets intersect.
Example: &idxSet=POI,Str,XStr