Reverse Geocode

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2025.02.03
TomTom Orbis Maps

Important notes:


The TomTom Orbis Maps Reverse Geocoding API Reverse Geocode endpoint gives users a tool to translate a coordinate (for example: 37.786505, -122.3862) into a human-understandable street address, street element, or geography. Most often, this is needed in tracking applications where you receive a GPS feed from the device or asset and you want to know the address.

The type of response depends on the available data:

  • address: Returns the most detailed information.
  • street element: Less detailed returned when there is no address data.
  • geography: Returns the smallest available geographic data.
    • This is returned when there is no address or street element data.
    • You can specify the level of geography (see the entityType parameter in the request parameters section) to get a geometry.
    • The geometry data can be fetched using the Additional Data service.

Run this endpoint

You can easily run this and other endpoints. Go to the TomTom API Explorer page and follow the directions.

Request data


For ease of viewing and identification:

  • Constants and parameters enclosed in curly brackets { } must be replaced with their values.
  • Please see the following Request parameters section with the required and optional parameters tables for their values. The generic request format is as follows.

Important note: Either the apiVersion parameter or the TomTom-Api-Version header needs to be present.

URL request format

URL request format

URL request example

URL request example,5.223776.json?key={Your_API_Key}&radius=100&apiVersion=1

curl command request example

curl command request example
curl ',5.223776.xml?key={Your_API_Key}&radius=100&apiVersion=1'

Request parameters

The following table describes the parameters that can be used in a request.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.
  • If there is a default value that will be assumed when an optional parameter is not used, it is shown in the table.
  • The order of request parameters is not important.
Required parametersDescription

baseURL string

Base URL for calling the API. Value:

versionNumber string

The service version. If the TomTom-Api-Version header is not present, the apiVersion parameter is required. Value: A service version value. The current value is 1.

position comma-separated string

This is specified as a comma-separated string composed by lat,lon. Value: lat,lon Example: 37.553,-122.453.

ext string

A valid response format: Values: json, jsonp, js, or xml

key string

An API Key valid for the requested service. Value: Your valid TomTom API Key. See: How do I get a TomTom API Key?

Optional parametersDescription

returnSpeedLimit boolean

Enables the return of the posted speed limit (where available). Default value: false

heading float

The directional heading of the vehicle in degrees, for travel along a segment of roadway. 0 is North, 90 is East and so on. The precision can include up to one decimal place. Values: Values range from -360 to 360.

radius integer

The maximum distance in meters from the specified position for the reverseGeocode to consider. Default value: 10000 meters (10 km).

returnRoadClass comma-separated string

Enables the return of the roadClass array for reverseGeocodes at street level. Value: Functional Represents a classification of roads based on the importance that the constituting roads have in the total road network.

Note: Right now, the service supports only a single value, but in future, it may change.

entityType comma-separated string

This parameter specifies the level of filtering performed on geographies. Providing this parameter narrows the search for specified geography entity types. The resulting response will contain the matched entity type. The following parameters are ignored when entityType is set:

  • heading
  • returnRoadClass
  • returnSpeedLimit
  • returnMatchType

Values: One or more of:

  • Country
  • CountrySubdivision
  • CountrySecondarySubdivision
  • CountryTertiarySubdivision
  • Municipality
  • MunicipalitySubdivision
  • MunicipalitySecondarySubdivision
  • Neighbourhood
  • PostalCodeArea

callback string

Specifies the callback method. Default value: cb

language string

The language in which the reverse geocode result should be returned. It should be one of the TomTom IETF Supported Languages tags, case insensitive. When data in a specified language is not available for a specific field, the default language is used. Default value: NGT

allowFreeformNewline boolean

The format of newlines in the formatted address. If true, the address will contain newlines. Otherwise, newlines will be converted to spaces. Default value: false.

returnMatchType boolean

This includes information on the type of match the geocoder achieved in the response.

view string

Geopolitical View. The context used to resolve the handling of disputed territories. Views include Unified, along with AR, MA, and IL which are respectively tailored for Argentina, Morocco and Israel. Default values:

  • Argentina, default view: AR, other available views: Unified, MA, IL
  • Morocco, default view: MA, other available views: Unified, AR, IL
  • Others, default view: Unified, other available views: AR, MA, IL

mapcodes comma-separated string

Enables the return of mapcodes. Can also filter the response to only show selected mapcode types. See mapcode in the response. A mapcode represents a specific location, to within a few meters. Every location on Earth can be represented by a mapcode. Mapcodes are designed to be short, easy to recognize, remember and communicate. Visit the Mapcode project website for more information. Values: One or more of: Local, International, and Alternative.

filter string

Excludes a certain group of inspected address-carrying elements in order to find the closest match to a requested point. Right now service supports only single value, but in future it may change. Value: BackRoads BackRoads: Roads that do not have an official name and any other kind of address information attached: unaddressable paths, forest paths, tracks, commercial driveways used as service roads, hiking paths, etc. Use of this filter is advised in cases where obtaining accurate address is top priority. It should not be used in a 'vehicle/asset tracking' use case or in road elements 'matching/focus' use case(s).

Request headers

The following table describes HTTP request headers.

Optional headersDescription

Service version. If the apiVersion parameter is not present the TomTom-Api-Version header is required. Value: A service version value. The current value is 1.


Enables response compression. Value: gzip


Specifies an identifier for the request.

  • It can be used to trace a call.
  • The value must match the regular expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,100}$'.
  • An example of the format that matches this regular expression is UUID: (e.g., 9ac68072-c7a4-11e8-a8d5-f2801f1b9fd1).
  • For details check RFC 4122.
  • If specified, it is replicated in the Tracking-ID response header.
  • It is only meant to be used for support and does not involve tracking of you or your users in any form.

Value: An identifier for the request.

Response data

Response body

For illustrative purposes the examples below are neatly indented. Please note that actual responses will vary based on the result type and the data available. See the following response fields section for more information. When requesting JSON output, the response has the following structure:

Response structure - JSON
2 "summary": {
3 "queryTime": 102,
4 "numResults": 1
5 },
6 "addresses": []

Example response for the result of the Point Address type is in the following format:

Point Address type example response - JSON
2 "summary": {
3 "queryTime": 8,
4 "numResults": 1
5 },
6 "addresses": [
7 {
8 "address": {
9 "buildingNumber": "4320",
10 "streetNumber": "4320",
11 "routeNumbers": [],
12 "street": "Payne Avenue",
13 "streetName": "Payne Avenue",
14 "streetNameAndNumber": "4320 Payne Avenue",
15 "countryCode": "US",
16 "countrySubdivision": "OH",
17 "countrySecondarySubdivision": "Cuyahoga",
18 "municipality": "Cleveland",
19 "postalCode": "44103",
20 "neighbourhood": "Goodrich Park",
21 "country": "United States",
22 "countryCodeISO3": "USA",
23 "freeformAddress": "4320 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103",
24 "boundingBox": {
25 "northEast": "41.511569,-81.655694",
26 "southWest": "41.511238,-81.656870",
27 "entity": "position"
28 },
29 "extendedPostalCode": "44103-2329",
30 "countrySubdivisionName": "Ohio",
31 "countrySubdivisionCode": "OH",
32 "localName": "Cleveland"
33 },
34 "position": "41.511272,-81.656738",
35 "matchType": "AddressPoint",
36 "mapcodes": [
37 {
38 "type": "Local",
39 "fullMapcode": "US-OH RL.BPD",
40 "territory": "US-OH",
41 "code": "RL.BPD"
42 },
43 {
44 "type": "International",
45 "fullMapcode": "T8GNX.DMVD"
46 },
47 {
48 "type": "Alternative",
49 "fullMapcode": "US-OH 63Y.LMT",
50 "territory": "US-OH",
51 "code": "63Y.LMT"
52 },
53 {
54 "type": "Alternative",
55 "fullMapcode": "US-OH FDPJ.HPV",
56 "territory": "US-OH",
57 "code": "FDPJ.HPV"
58 },
59 {
60 "type": "Alternative",
61 "fullMapcode": "US-OH VPLJ.0MC9",
62 "territory": "US-OH",
63 "code": "VPLJ.0MC9"
64 },
65 {
66 "type": "Alternative",
67 "fullMapcode": "USA VPLJ.0MC9",
68 "territory": "USA",
69 "code": "VPLJ.0MC9"
70 }
71 ],
72 "id": "ZuV4ux-XfHAqL3Ep73d9cg"
73 }
74 ]

Example response for the Geography result with entityType=PostalCodeArea filtering:

Geography example response - JSON
2 "summary": {
3 "queryTime": 10,
4 "numResults": 1
5 },
6 "addresses": [
7 {
8 "address": {
9 "routeNumbers": [],
10 "countryCode": "US",
11 "countrySubdivision": "CA",
12 "countrySecondarySubdivision": "Santa Cruz",
13 "municipality": "Santa Cruz",
14 "postalName": "Santa Cruz",
15 "postalCode": "95065",
16 "country": "United States",
17 "countryCodeISO3": "USA",
18 "freeformAddress": "Santa Cruz, CA 95065",
19 "boundingBox": {
20 "northEast": "37.085762,-121.949375",
21 "southWest": "36.983408,-122.013236",
22 "entity": "position"
23 },
24 "countrySubdivisionName": "California"
25 },
26 "position": "36.988171,-121.974876",
27 "dataSources": {
28 "geometry": {
29 "id": "00005543-3300-3c00-0000-00004dc8b8e5"
30 }
31 },
32 "entityType": "PostalCodeArea",
33 "mapcodes": [
34 {
35 "type": "Local",
36 "fullMapcode": "US-CA FS.WRG0",
37 "territory": "US-CA",
38 "code": "FS.WRG0"
39 },
40 {
41 "type": "International",
42 "fullMapcode": "S4ZW4.89XV"
43 },
44 {
45 "type": "Alternative",
46 "fullMapcode": "US-CA 4349.S7L",
47 "territory": "US-CA",
48 "code": "4349.S7L"
49 },
50 {
51 "type": "Alternative",
52 "fullMapcode": "US-CA JJCH.H9CF",
53 "territory": "US-CA",
54 "code": "JJCH.H9CF"
55 },
56 {
57 "type": "Alternative",
58 "fullMapcode": "USA JJCH.H9CF",
59 "territory": "USA",
60 "code": "JJCH.H9CF"
61 }
62 ],
63 "id": "00005543-3300-3c00-0000-00004dc8b8e5"
64 }
65 ]

Response fields

The following tables describe all of the fields that can appear in a response. Fields are listed by the response section they belong to and in the order that they appear in the response.

Primary fields

summary object

Summary information about the search that was performed. summary object

addresses array

The result list containing a single record. addresses array

summary object

queryTime integer

The time spent on resolving the query (in milliseconds).

numResults integer

The number of results in the response. The current version of the API returns a maximum of one result.
addresses array

address object

The structured address for the result. address object

position double (LatLon)

Position of the result in the form of "latitude,longitude" coordinates. Position of the entry point. Position on the street where you can enter the location. Example: 37.553,-122.453

roadClass array

Road classes at the address. roadclass object

matchType string

Information on the type of match. One of:

  • AddressPoint

  • HouseNumberRange

  • Street

dataSources object

Optional section. Reference ids for use with the Additional Data service.

mapcodes array

Optional section. It can be returned only if the 'mapcodes' input parameter is used. mapcode object

id string

A stable, unique id for a given entity.

address object

buildingNumber string

The building number on the street.

Use streetNumber instead.

streetNumber string

The building number on the street.

routeNumbers array

The codes used to unambiguously identify the street.

street string

The street name.

Use streetName instead.

streetName string

The street name.

streetNameAndNumber string

The street name and number.

speedLimit string

The speed limit for the street in the form (D)(D)D.DDUUU, For example:

  • 30.00KPH
  • (D)(D)D.DD is a number with two decimal places (for example: 5.00, 30.00 or 120.00).

  • UUU is either KPH or MPH (whichever is correct for the address).

countryCode string


Note: This is a two-letter code, not a country name.

countrySubdivision string

State or Province

countrySecondary Subdivision string


countryTertiary Subdivision string

Named Area

municipality string

City / Town

postalName string

An address component which represents the name for a postal code that is related to a single administrative area, city, town, or other populated place. Only present when the parameter entityType == PostalCodeArea is present.

postalCode string

Postal Code / Zip Code

municipality Subdivision string

Sub City

municipalitySecondary Subdivision string

Sub Sub City

neighbourhood string


country string

Country name

countryCodeISO3 string

ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code

freeformAddress string

An address line formatted according to the formatting rules of a result's country of origin, or in the case of a country, its full country name.

boundingBox object

The bounding box of the location. boundingBox object

country SubdivisionName string

The full name of a first level of country administrative hierarchy.

country SubdivisionCode string

countrySubdivisionCode prefixed by countryCode and the hyphen (countryCode-countrySubdivisionCode) forms the ISO 3166-2 code. countrySubdivisionCode examples: TX for Texas, SCT for Scotland, ON for Ontario, ZE for Zeeland and BB for Brandenburg.

localName string

An address component which represents the name of a geographic area or locality that groups a number of addressable objects for addressing purposes, without being an administrative unit.

extendedPostalCode string

Extended postal code (availability is dependent on the region).
boundingBox object

northEast comma-separated floats

Northeast (top-left) latitude, longitude coordinate of the bounding box.

southWest comma-separated floats

Southwest (bottom-right) latitude, longitude coordinate of the bounding box.

entity string

Entity type source of the bounding box.

Note: For reverse-geocoding this is always equal to string: 'position'.

roadClass object

type string

Possible value: Functional. Represents a classification of roads based on the importance that the constituting roads have in the total road network.

values array

Possible values:

  • for type Functional:

    • Motorway: Includes all roads officially designated as members of an internationally, nationally, and/or regionally important network of limited-access highways.

    • Trunk: Includes all roads of high importance (but not officially assigned as motorways) that are part of a connection for international and national traffic and transport.

    • Primary: Includes all roads used to travel between neighboring regions of a country.

    • Secondary: Includes all roads used to travel between different parts of the same region.

    • Tertiary: Includes:

      • All roads that make each settlement or parts (north, south, east, west and central) of a settlement accessible.
      • All roads on the local level are the main connections in a settlement or represent frequently used rural connections. These are roads where important through traffic is possible.
      • All roads used to travel within a part of a settlement or roads of minor connecting importance in a rural area.
    • Street: Includes all roads that only have a destination function. Such roads reach a particular address or destination (e.g., dead-end streets, roads inside a living area, alleys [narrow roads between buildings], or roads found in a park or garden).

    • Ferry: Includes all ferry routes.

    • Other: Includes all other roads that are less important for the navigation system.

Note: For the Functional type, the service always returns a single element from possible values.

dataSources object

geometry object

Information about the geometric shape of the result. Only present if type == Geography. geometry object

geometry object

id string

Pass this as geometryId to the Additional Data service to fetch geometry information for this result.

mapcode object

type string

Type of mapcode. Possible values:

  • Local: The shortest possible (and easiest to remember) mapcode. Local mapcodes are especially useful when the user knows what territory the mapcode is in (for example, when an application is designed to be used inside just one European country or US state). Note that the code element of a Local mapcode is ambiguous when used without the territory element - e.g.,: the "4J.P2" mapcode can mean the Eiffel Tower location (48.858380, 2.294440) (with the territory set to FRA ), but also some place in Amsterdam-Noord, Netherlands (52.382184, 4.911021) (with the territory set to NLD).
  • International: This mapcode is unambiguous. It is also the longest.
  • Alternative: Alternatives to Local mapcodes. Each Alternative mapcode points to slightly different coordinates due to the way mapcodes are computed (see the mapcode documentation). For example: the position from a response can be encoded as "5DM.WC" (51.759244, 19.448316) and the "VHJ.036" (51.759245, 19.448264), which are close to each other, but not exactly the same place.

fullMapcode string

The full form of a mapcode (territory + code). It is always unambiguous. The territory element is always in the Latin alphabet. In an International mapcode, the territory part is empty.

territory string

The territory element of the mapcode. The territory element is always in the Latin alphabet. Usually, the territory is the ISO 3166-1 alpha 3 abbreviation for the country name. However in these eight very large countries:

  • USA,
  • Canada,
  • Mexico,
  • Brazil,
  • India,
  • Australia,
  • Russia,
  • China

an address has little meaning unless the user also knows what state it's in (just as, elsewhere, an address has little meaning if the user doesn't know what country it's in). More information about territory codes is available at Territories for mapcodes. This field is not returned for an International mapcode.

code string

The mapcode without the territory element. It consists of two groups of letters and digits separated by a dot. The code is using the same language and alphabet as the response. The language parameter may be used to modify the language and alphabet of both the response and the code (for example: Cyrillic for the language 'ru-RU'). This field is not returned for the International mapcodes - use fullMapcode instead.

Response codes

The following data table contains response codes signifying successful and failed requests to an API server.

CodeMeaning & possible causes

OK: The search successfully returned zero or more results.


Bad request: One or more parameters were incorrectly specified.


Forbidden: Possible causes include:

  • Service requires SSL
  • Not authorized
  • Over QPS (Queries per second), or over QPD (Queries per day)
  • Unknown referer

Method Not Allowed: The HTTP method ( GET, POST, etc.) is not supported for this request.


Not Found: The HTTP request method ( GET, POST, etc.) or path is incorrect.


Too Many requests: The API Key is over QPS (Queries per second).


Server Error: The service was unable to process your request. Contact support to resolve the issue.

Response headers

The following data table contains response headers sent back from an API server.


Ensures that clients implementing the CORS security model are able to access the response from this service. Value: An asterisk * that signifies access to the TomTom API using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO) header in its response indicating which origin sites are allowed.


Indicates the format of the response, as chosen by the client. Format: type/subtype; charset=utf-8 Values: type/subtype is one of: application/json, text/javascript, or text/xml.


The Reverse Geocode service endpoint applies gzip compression to the responses if requested by the client with the Accept-Encoding header. Value: gzip


An identifier for the request. If the Tracking-ID header was specified, it is replicated in the response. Otherwise, it is generated automatically by the service. It is only meant to be used for support and does not involve tracking of you or your users in any form. Value: An identifier for the request.

Error response

The content type of an error response depends on the requested output format (.json or .xml).

Error response example (JSON)
2 "error": "Invalid request: invalid position: latitude/longitude out of range.",
3 "httpStatusCode": 400,
4 "detailedError": {
5 "code": "BadRequest",
6 "message": "Invalid request: invalid position: latitude/longitude out of range.",
7 "target": "position"
8 }
Error response example (XML)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
3 <error>Invalid request: invalid position: latitude/longitude out of range.</error>
4 <httpStatusCode>400</httpStatusCode>
5 <detailedError>
6 <code>BadRequest</code>
7 <message>Invalid request: invalid position: latitude/longitude out of range.</message>
8 <target>position</target>
9 </detailedError>

Error response fields

Primary fieldsDescription

error string

A human-readable description of the error code. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.

httpStatusCode integer

HTTP error code.

detailedError object

Detailed information about the error. detailedError object

detailedError object

code string

One of the defined error codes.

message string

A human-readable representation of the error code. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.

target string

Optional. Target of the particular error. Value: The name of the request parameter.

Error code hierarchy

A list of predefined, hierarchical, human-readable error codes. The httpStatusCode relates to HTTP error codes. An error code in detailedError can redefine httpStatusCode to one of the codes described in this section. In the future, the list may be extended with additional codes.

Error codeDescription


The code for requests which ended with an HTTP 400 Bad Request.


The code for requests which ended with an HTTP 403 Forbidden.


The code for requests which ended with an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. The service cannot handle the request right now, an unexpected condition was encountered.


The code for requests which ended with an HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout. The service cannot handle the request right now, this is certainly a temporary state.