Migration Guide

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2024.06.11
TomTom Orbis Maps

Public Preview Notice

Important notes:

Where do I find the new endpoints

The following endpoints are supported:

  • Reverse Geocode

Please notice that following endpoints are not supported in TomTom Orbis Maps Reverse Geocode API:

  • CrossStreet Lookup

The new Orbis Reverse Geocode API endpoint has the following prefix:

URL request example

instead of

URL request example

Please check the respective endpoint documentation page for details.

Changes in the parameters or responses

Important note:

  • Either the apiVersion URL parameter or the TomTom-Api-Version header needs to be present.
  • Only the Unified view is currently supported; no geopolitical views are available.
  • Parameters returnRoadUse and roadUse are no longer supported. We recommend using the newer parameter returnRoadClass, which returns a market standard road classification.