Starting navigation
The Navigation SDK for iOS is only available upon request. Contact us to get started.
This guide explains how to start turn-by-turn navigation and retrieve route progress information, such as the remaining travel time and traveled distance. For this example, we utilize an online route.
Project setup
Configure the project according to the project setup guide and import the necessary frameworks using the following instructions, based on your preferred package manager:
Swift Package Manager
- Open your App’s target and navigate to General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.
- Add the following TomTomSDK libraries from the provided code snippet. Once the project is set up, import the mentioned frameworks into your code.
1import CoreLocation2import TomTomSDKCommon3import TomTomSDKLocationProvider4import TomTomSDKNavigation5import TomTomSDKNavigationEngines6import TomTomSDKNavigationOnline7import TomTomSDKNavigationTileStore8import TomTomSDKRoute9import TomTomSDKRoutePlanner10import TomTomSDKRoutePlannerOnline11import TomTomSDKRoutingCommon
- Open your project’s
and add the required modules to your application’s target:1TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION = '0.68.1'23target 'YourAppTarget' do4 use_frameworks!5 pod 'TomTomSDKCommon', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION6 pod 'TomTomSDKLocationProvider', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION7 pod 'TomTomSDKNavigation', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION8 pod 'TomTomSDKNavigationEngines', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION9 pod 'TomTomSDKRoute', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION10 pod 'TomTomSDKRoutePlanner', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION11 pod 'TomTomSDKRoutePlannerOnline', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION12 pod 'TomTomSDKRouteReplannerDefault', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION13end - Install the dependencies by executing the following commands in the project directory:
pod repo-art update tomtom-sdk-cocoapodspod install --repo-update
- Once the project is set up and the navigation module is added to your target, import the following frameworks:
1import CoreLocation2import TomTomSDKCommon3import TomTomSDKLocationProvider4import TomTomSDKNavigation5import TomTomSDKNavigationEngines6import TomTomSDKNavigationOnline7import TomTomSDKNavigationTileStore8import TomTomSDKRoute9import TomTomSDKRoutePlanner10import TomTomSDKRoutePlannerOnline11import TomTomSDKRoutingCommon
Starting navigation
Start by initializing a RoutePlanner
and a TomTomNavigation
object to build an example of navigating a route.
- An
. - A
To make it easier to follow this guide, make sure to place all the following code snippets in the above-mentioned class.
1class NavigationExample {2 private let routePlanner = OnlineRoutePlanner(apiKey: "YOUR_TOMTOM_API_KEY")3 private var navigation: TomTomNavigation!4}
Before starting navigation with a route, you need to plan the route and set up a location provider to receive location updates along the route.
First, plan a Route
between two locations using RoutePlanningOptions
. Refer to the Planning a route guide if you want to learn more about how to plan a Route
1typealias PlanRouteResult = Result<(Route?, RoutePlanningOptions), Error>2private func planRoute(completionHandler: @escaping (PlanRouteResult) -> ()) {3 do {4 // Create itinerary.5 let amsterdam = ItineraryPoint(6 coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(7 latitude: 52.37616,8 longitude: 4.908289 )10 )11 let rotterdam = ItineraryPoint(12 coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(13 latitude: 51.90546,14 longitude: 4.4666215 )16 )17 let itinerary = Itinerary(origin: amsterdam, destination: rotterdam)1819 // Create RoutePlanningOptions based on itinerary.20 let routePlanningOptions = try RoutePlanningOptions(21 itinerary: itinerary,22 guidanceOptions: GuidanceOptions()23 )2425 // Request a route based on the previously created options.26 routePlanner.planRoute(27 options: routePlanningOptions,28 onRouteReady: nil,29 completion: { result in30 switch result {31 case let .success(routePlanningResponse):32 let result = (33 routePlanningResponse.routes?.first,34 routePlanningOptions35 )36 completionHandler(.success(result))37 case let .failure(error):38 print(error.localizedDescription)39 completionHandler(.failure(error))40 }41 }42 )43 } catch {44 completionHandler(.failure(error))45 }46}
Once you have retrieved the route, create and enable the LocationProvider
. Refer to the Built-in location providers and the Location module guides for more information.
1let simulatedLocationProvider = SimulatedLocationProvider(2 delay: Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 0.5, unit: .seconds),3 adjustToCurrentTime: true4)5simulatedLocationProvider.updateCoordinates(6 route.geometry,7 interpolate: true8)9simulatedLocationProvider.enable()
Now you can set up the navigation with the OnlineTomTomNavigationFactory.Configuration
- Your TomTom API key
- The previously created location provider
- A
to be used to update the active route plan or to replan after deviation.
1let tileStore: NavigationTileStore2do {3 tileStore = try NavigationTileStore(4 config: NavigationTileStoreConfiguration(apiKey: "YOUR_TOMTOM_API_KEY")5 )6} catch {7 print("Cannot create Tile Store: \(error)")8 return9}1011let navigationConfiguration = OnlineTomTomNavigationFactory12 .Configuration(13 navigationTileStore: tileStore,14 locationProvider: simulatedLocationProvider,15 routePlanner: routePlanner16 )
Next, create the TomTomNavigation
object with the previous configuration.
self.navigation = try! OnlineTomTomNavigationFactory.create(configuration: navigationConfiguration)
Start receiving route progress updates during navigation by implementing the NavigationProgressObserver
protocol and adding it to the initialized TomTomNavigation
1extension NavigationExample: NavigationProgressObserver {2 func didUpdateProgress(progress: TomTomSDKNavigationEngines.RouteProgress) {3 /* Your code goes here */4 }5}
To start navigation along a route, pass the NavigationOptions
object which sets the active route to the above-created route.
1let routePlan = RoutePlan(2 route: route,3 routePlanningOptions: routePlanningOptions4)5let navigationOptions = NavigationOptions(activeRoutePlan: routePlan)67do {8 try self.navigation.start(navigationOptions: navigationOptions)9} catch {10 print("start navigation error: \(error)")11}
Combine all the previous snippets into the following format:
1func prepareAndStartNavigation() throws {2 planRoute { [weak self] result in3 switch result {4 case let .success(planRouteResult):5 guard let self,6 let route: Route = planRouteResult.07 else { return }8 let routePlanningOptions: RoutePlanningOptions = planRouteResult.1910 // Initialize the simulated location provider and enable it.11 let simulatedLocationProvider = SimulatedLocationProvider(12 delay: Measurement<UnitDuration>(value: 0.5, unit: .seconds),13 adjustToCurrentTime: true14 )15 simulatedLocationProvider.updateCoordinates(16 route.geometry,17 interpolate: true18 )19 simulatedLocationProvider.enable()2021 // Configure navigation.22 let tileStore: NavigationTileStore23 do {24 tileStore = try NavigationTileStore(25 config: NavigationTileStoreConfiguration(apiKey: "YOUR_TOMTOM_API_KEY")26 )27 } catch {28 print("Cannot create Tile Store: \(error)")29 return30 }3132 let navigationConfiguration = OnlineTomTomNavigationFactory33 .Configuration(34 navigationTileStore: tileStore,35 locationProvider: simulatedLocationProvider,36 routePlanner: routePlanner37 )3839 // Create an instance of navigation40 // based on the previous configuration.41 self.navigation = try! OnlineTomTomNavigationFactory42 .create(configuration: navigationConfiguration)4344 // Add a progress observer to the navigation instance.45 self.navigation.addProgressObserver(self)4647 // Start navigation on the planned route.48 let routePlan = RoutePlan(49 route: route,50 routePlanningOptions: routePlanningOptions51 )52 let navigationOptions = NavigationOptions(activeRoutePlan: routePlan)5354 do {55 try self.navigation.start(navigationOptions: navigationOptions)56 } catch {57 print("start navigation error: \(error)")58 }59 case let .failure(error):60 print("route planning error: \(error.localizedDescription)")61 }62 }63}
Once you have started the navigation session, TomTomNavigation
- Track locations using the
. - Process the incoming locations and publish navigation events with data, such as map-matched locations or route guidance. To retrieve this data, you must add the appropriate observers to
Retrieving route progress information
Once navigation has started you can observe route progress updates through the NavigationProgressObserver.didUpdateProgress(progress:)
callback and retrieve the travelled distance and the remaining travel time. The following snippet prints information to validate the route progress updates.
1func didUpdateProgress(progress: TomTomSDKNavigationEngines.RouteProgress) {2 print("Distance along the route: \(progress.distanceAlongRoute)")3 print("Remaining travel time: \(progress.remainingTime)")4}
In addition to route progress updates, you can also listen to and handle events for route updates, deviations, route and lane guidance, waypoint arrival and reaching a destination. Refer to the Turn-by-turn navigation guide to find out more about supported navigation events.
Next steps
Now that you know how to start navigation with a route and have learnt about navigation events, here are the recommendations on what to explore next: