
TomTom Map Maker is a cloud tool that allows you to create your own maps. You can change the look of the map and add data layers like Point of Interest (POI) or Traffic layers.

Templates and extensions

TomTom Map Maker offers a gallery of styles for various use cases, like in-car navigation, browsing, or data display. They can be great starting points and inspirations for your project.

Choose overlays that will be added on the top of the map. With just one click, you can add additional points of interest, color Traffic Flow information, or Traffic Incidents.

Easy customization

Styling the map becomes easy with the Foundations tab and Map Colors functionality. Change one of the leading colors and observe how the entire set of related map features updates accordingly.

Styles stored in the cloud

Your projects are safely stored in the TomTom cloud. You can browse, rename, duplicate, and delete your styles. The only thing you need to get started is a TomTom Developer Portal account.

Publishing and Sharing

When you are working on the style, it is important to get feedback. TomTom Map Maker allows you to share a link to the working version (Draft version) of the style. Once you are happy with the results, you can make your changes public. The updated style will appear in applications that use it within minutes.

Advanced styling

Advanced styling is possible with the Layer Editor. There you can tailor every detail of your map. Styling can be based on the current map zoom level or data, like a feature category. You can also decide which features should be displayed or not.

Want to learn more? Choose one of our guides to get familiar with Map Maker features.

Quick start

Learn how to create a map with just a few simple steps. You will cover all basics and be ready to move into other guides of this documentation.

Foundations - Map Colors

Customize map colors with only a few clicks using the Foundations tab. Choose one of the map's main colors, and Map Maker will apply your change to many elements of the map at once.

Introduction to map style

Go beyond editing colors. Learn about MapLibre Style Specification and how to leverage Map Maker to make advanced changes to the map appearance.

Using style in the application

Use styles created and customized in Map Maker in your mobile and web applications. Learn in-depth about Publish and Share functionality.

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