Fences service

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2022.09.01


The Geofencing API Fences service enables you to create fences (areas) with geometries of a certain type, such as CIRCLE.

A fence is a virtual representation of a certain geographic area.

  • Fences can have various shapes and can have multiple user-defined properties.
  • A fence must belong to at least one Project (it can belong to more).

Fences service endpoints

The Fences service contains the following endpoints and a data table:

List the fences for a given project

Obtains a list of tuples representing a user's fences for a given project.

Get fence details

This endpoint requests all details for a single fence.

Edit fence

Provides new values for fence attributes.

Add new fence to a project

Creates a new fence and automatically links it to a single project.

Create new fence, assign it to multiple projects

Creates a new fence and assigns it to multiple projects.

Delete fence

Uses a command to delete fences.

Delete fence from project

Uses a command to delete a fence from a project.

Get objects count in the fence

Lists objects inside the fence.

Custom fence shapes

Describes what custom and GeoJSON fence shapes can be used in the Geofencing API.

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