
class Hazard(val id: HazardId, val expirationTime: Date, val type: HazardType, val category: HazardCategory, val severity: HazardSeverity, val detailedInformation: DetailedHazardInformation?, val location: HazardLocation, val version: Int)

A hazard entry.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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constructor(id: HazardId, expirationTime: Date, type: HazardType, category: HazardCategory, severity: HazardSeverity, detailedInformation: DetailedHazardInformation?, location: HazardLocation, version: Int)


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The HazardCategory aggregates the different types at a higher level.

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The DetailedHazardInformation the basis for the individual hazard types. Each type may have additional information.

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Expiration time of the hazard data.

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A unique ID of the hazard data.

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Describes where the hazard is happening.

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The HazardSeverity of a hazard describes its criticality with respect to the danger.

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The HazardType defines the nature of a hazard. It is the lowest level of categorization.

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Describes a version of the Hazard. The version is an incrementing counter so that greater numbers are indicating an update of the Hazard content.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String