
Used to inform the caller that the active route has been changed. The active route is the only route that is being followed for which the navigation provides guidance.

The active route is changed when:

In order to listen to the active route changes, implement this interface to create a listener, for instance:

val activeRouteChangedListener = ActiveRouteChangedListener { route ->
// Implement the necessary functionality for handling the active route being changed

Subsequently, add this listener using TomTomNavigation.addActiveRouteChangedListener. To stop listening to the active route changes, remove the listener using TomTomNavigation.removeActiveRouteChangedListener.

The ActiveRouteChangedListener is called post the addition of the new route to the navigation and prior to the removal of the old active route. Hence, it is called after the RouteAddedListener and before the RouteRemovedListener.


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abstract fun onActiveRouteChanged(route: Route)

Called whenever the active route has been changed.