Analysis Partial Trips Result
Get a partial trips result by sending a POST request.
Request data
For ease of viewing and identification:
- Constants and parameters enclosed in curly brackets { } must be replaced with their values.
- Please see the following Request parameters section with the required and optional parameters tables for their values. The generic request format is as follows.
Required parameters
Required parameters | Description |
| The base URL for calling TomTom services. Value: |
| Version of the service to call. Value: The current value is |
| Analysis number id. Value: The analysis number id. |
| Authorization key for access to the API. Value: Your valid API Key. |
| Index of the date range. Value: Example: |
| Index of the time range. Value: Example: |
Required POST headers
Header | Value |
Request POST body example
1{2 "origins": [0, 1, 2, 3],3 "destinations": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],4 "vias": [10]5}
Request POST body stucture
Field | Description |
| List of region indexes where trips started. |
| List of region indexes where trips ended. |
| List of region indexes where trips went through. |
Response data
This response will return information about the number of trips which started at a given origin, went
through given vias, and ended in given origins. The following table describes all of the fields that can
appear in a response. External region is indexed as the last one and is equal to the number of defined regions (there is no External region for the passMatrix
enabled option)
Response example
1{2 "links": [[0,0,0,100], [0,1,1,200], ...]3}
The result contains a list of 'links'. Each link contains information about trips between regions and
looks like this:
- [Origin region index (number), Destination region index (number), Via region index (number), Amount of trips (number)]
Response structure
Field | Description |
| An array of links between regions. |
If there is an error in the supplied parameters or any other internal problem, an error response is generated in the requested format.
Response codes
Code | Meaning & possible causes |
| OK |
| Bad request |
| Unauthorized |
| Forbidden |
| Not Found |