
class RouteOptions(    val geometry: List<GeoPoint>,     @ColorInt val color: Int = DEFAULT_COLOR,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val outlineWidth: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH,     val widths: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_WIDTHS,     val visible: Boolean = true,     val progress: Distance = Distance.ZERO,     val instructions: List<Instruction> = emptyList(),     val tag: String? = null,     val departureMarkerVisible: Boolean = false,     val destinationMarkerVisible: Boolean = false,     val isFollowable: Boolean = false,     val routeOffset: List<Distance> = emptyList(),     val sections: List<RouteSection> = emptyList(),     val departureMarkerPinImage: Image? = null,     val destinationMarkerPinImage: Image? = null,     val departure: GeoPoint? = null,     val destination: GeoPoint? = null)

Configures options for a Route representation which can be added and displayed on the map. See TomTomMap.addRoute(routeOptions: RouteOptions).


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constructor(    geometry: List<GeoPoint>,     @ColorInt color: Int = DEFAULT_COLOR,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0) outlineWidth: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH,     widths: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_WIDTHS,     visible: Boolean = true,     progress: Distance = Distance.ZERO,     instructions: List<Instruction> = emptyList(),     tag: String? = null,     departureMarkerVisible: Boolean = false,     destinationMarkerVisible: Boolean = false,     isFollowable: Boolean = false,     routeOffset: List<Distance> = emptyList(),     sections: List<RouteSection> = emptyList(),     departureMarkerPinImage: Image? = null,     destinationMarkerPinImage: Image? = null,     departure: GeoPoint? = null,     destination: GeoPoint? = null)


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object Companion


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val color: Int

Color of the route tube. Colors for the style of the route tube (route, dotted line and outline colors) will be selected based on this color.

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val departure: GeoPoint? = null

This specifies where the departureMarkerPinImage is located. If you pass null, departure marker will be shown on the first point of the geometry.

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Image that will be used as the departure marker pin. If you pass null, the default image is used.

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Determines the visibility of the departure marker.

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val destination: GeoPoint? = null

This specifies where the destinationMarkerPinImage is located. If you pass null, the departure marker is shown on the last point of the geometry.

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Image that will be used as the destination marker pin. If you pass null, the default image is used.

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Determines the visibility of the destination marker.

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Geometry of the Route.

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List of Instruction for maneuvers along the Route.

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val isFollowable: Boolean = false

Determines whether this Route is followable or not.

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Width of the route outline in density-independent pixels (dp).

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Sets the route progress. The internal map mechanism automatically renders the driven route section in a slightly different color which brings a pleasant user experience.

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List of Distance for route progress values along the Route.

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Information about sections on the route.

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val tag: String? = null

Optional holder for custom extra information about the requested Route.

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val visible: Boolean = true

Determines the visibility of the Route.

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Widths of the route tube for different zoom levels. If the same width should be applied for all zoom levels, then the zoom value can be skipped in the WidthByZoom initialization.


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fun copy(    geometry: List<GeoPoint> = this.geometry,     @ColorInt color: Int = this.color,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0) outlineWidth: Double = this.outlineWidth,     widths: List<WidthByZoom> = this.widths,     visible: Boolean = this.visible,     progress: Distance = this.progress,     instructions: List<Instruction> = this.instructions,     tag: String? = this.tag,     departureMarkerVisible: Boolean = this.departureMarkerVisible,     destinationMarkerVisible: Boolean = this.destinationMarkerVisible,     isFollowable: Boolean = this.isFollowable,     routeOffset: List<Distance> = this.routeOffset,     sections: List<RouteSection> = this.sections,     departureMarkerPinImage: Image? = this.departureMarkerPinImage,     destinationMarkerPinImage: Image? = this.destinationMarkerPinImage,     departureMarkerCoordinate: GeoPoint? = this.departure,     destinationMarkerCoordinate: GeoPoint? = this.destination): RouteOptions
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String