
data class Truck(    val maxSpeed: Speed? = null,     val isCommercial: Boolean = true,     val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null,     val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null,     val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null,     val hazmatClasses: Set<HazmatClass> = emptySet(),     val adrTunnelRestrictionCode: AdrTunnelRestrictionCode? = null,     val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized, CargoCapable

A vehicle of type truck.

Note: This option is not yet supported with the Orbis map. Note: This option is not supported when chargingOptions are set in com.tomtom.sdk.routing.options.RoutePlanningOptions..



The truck's maximum speed.


If true, the vehicle is used for commercial purposes and thus may not be allowed to drive on some roads.


The vehicle's electric engine for route and consumption calculation.


The vehicle's combustion engine for route and consumption calculation.


The truck's dimensions.


The hazardous materials classes of the vehicle's load.


The ADR tunnel restrictions of the vehicle.


Specifies the Model ID of the vehicle as obtained from the TomTom Vehicle Database. It allows calculating an EV route without specifying the vehicle's consumption and charging parameters.


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constructor(    maxSpeed: Speed? = null,     isCommercial: Boolean = true,     electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null,     combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null,     dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null,     hazmatClasses: Set<HazmatClass> = emptySet(),     adrTunnelRestrictionCode: AdrTunnelRestrictionCode? = null,     modelId: String? = null)


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open override val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null
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open override val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null
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open override val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null
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open override val hazmatClasses: Set<HazmatClass>
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open override val isCommercial: Boolean = true
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open override val maxSpeed: Speed? = null
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open override val modelId: String? = null

Inherited properties

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