
class SpeedLimitElement(val id: Int, val pathId: Int, val startOffset: Distance, val endOffset: Distance, val speedLimit: SpeedLimit) : HorizonElement

Horizon element that contains data about a speed limit.

To receive such elements in the horizon snapshot, specify SpeedLimitElementType in the horizon options that you register with the horizon engine:

val horizonOptions = HorizonOptions(
    elementTypes = listOf(SpeedLimitElementType, ...),

To retrieve speed limits for a specific vehicle type (e.g., for trucks), set the vehicle type accordingly, using the com.tomtom.sdk.vehicle.VehicleProvider:

vehicleProvider.vehicle = Vehicle.Truck()


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constructor(id: Int, pathId: Int, startOffset: Distance, endOffset: Distance, speedLimit: SpeedLimit)


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open override val endOffset: Distance

End offset on the horizon path.

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open override val id: Int

Identifier of this element.

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open override val pathId: Int

Identifier of the horizon path to which this element belongs.

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Speed limit data, consisting of a speed limit type and a speed limit value.

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open override val startOffset: Distance

Start offset on the horizon path.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String