
Entry point for all methods related to the search visualization. Instances of SearchVisualization are created using SearchVisualizationFactory.create. You should call methods on these instances from the main thread only, otherwise an exception can occur. To use a SearchVisualization instance, first provide a route geometry and a SearchConfiguration with the displayPoisAlongRoute method. You can then call clear to remove all the primitives that have been added to the map. Additionally, you can add or remove tap observers for the Pois using the addPoiClickListener and removePoiClickListener methods, respectively.

To support Android configuration changes, create a SearchVisualization instance on the ViewModel and use replaceMap once the Activity/Fragment is recreated.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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abstract fun addPoiClickListener(listener: PoiClickListener)

Adds a listener to the list of click listeners.

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abstract fun clear()

Clears all Pois on the map that were displayed with displayPoisAlongRoute.

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Display Points of Interest Pois along a specified route with a given configuration.

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Removes a listener from the list of click listeners.

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abstract fun replaceMap(tomtomMap: TomTomMap)

Replaces the current TomTomMap with a new one.