
class TrafficStatus(val activeDataSource: TrafficDataSourceType? = null, val trafficDataAvailable: Boolean = false, val supportsArbitraryLocations: Boolean = false)

Representation of the current status of the traffic service in NavSDK.


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constructor(activeDataSource: TrafficDataSourceType? = null, trafficDataAvailable: Boolean = false, supportsArbitraryLocations: Boolean = false)


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The type of the data source from which traffic data is currently exposed. This usually reflects the data source that was selected during TrafficService creation, but can change in case an RDS-TMC fallback data source was added.

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True if the current data source supports querying traffic data on demand in arbitrary locations. If this return false, the traffic service should not be used to display the current traffic situation on the map, except for the offline fallback scenario.

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True if the traffic service knows about the traffic situation in the vicinity of the current location.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks if this TrafficStatus object is structurally equal to another object.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object, which allows it to be used in hash-based collections.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of the object.