
data class PolylineOptions(    var coordinates: List<GeoPoint>,     @ColorInt val lineColor: Int = DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR,     val lineWidths: List<WidthByZoom> = listOf(WidthByZoom(DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH)),     @ColorInt val outlineColor: Int = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR,     val outlineWidths: List<WidthByZoom> = listOf(WidthByZoom(DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH)),     val lineStartCapType: CapType = DEFAULT_START_CAP_TYPE,     val lineEndCapType: CapType = DEFAULT_END_CAP_TYPE,     val isClickable: Boolean = true,     val tag: String? = null,     val patternImage: Image? = null)

Configures options for a Polyline overlay which can be added and displayed on the map. See the TomTomMap.addPolyline(options: PolylineOptions) to check how to add a new Polyline.

See also

, which describes its properties in a more detailed way.


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constructor(    coordinates: List<GeoPoint>,     @ColorInt lineColor: Int = DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR,     lineWidths: List<WidthByZoom> = listOf(WidthByZoom(DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH)),     @ColorInt outlineColor: Int = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR,     outlineWidths: List<WidthByZoom> = listOf(WidthByZoom(DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH)),     lineStartCapType: CapType = DEFAULT_START_CAP_TYPE,     lineEndCapType: CapType = DEFAULT_END_CAP_TYPE,     isClickable: Boolean = true,     tag: String? = null,     patternImage: Image? = null)


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object Companion


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Coordinates of the line.

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val isClickable: Boolean = true

Sets if the polyline is clickable, if this parameter is false then clicks will be propagated to objects that are below polyline.

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Main Color of the polyline.

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The CapType of the end cap of the Polyline to be created.

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The CapType of the start cap of the Polyline to be created.

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Widths of the polyline for different zoom levels.

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Outline Color for the polyline overlay.

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Outline widths of the polyline for different zoom levels.

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val patternImage: Image? = null

The pattern image of the polyline. This image is repeated along the polyline, and it has priority over the solid color from lineColor.

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val tag: String? = null

Can be used to identify group of polylines.