
class RoadProperties(    val numberOfLanes: NumberOfLanes,     @IntRange(from = 0, to = 7) functionalRoadClass: Int? = null,     val roadType: RoadType? = null,     val roadCondition: RoadCondition? = null,     val drivingSide: DrivingSide,     val isOverpass: Boolean = false,     val isUnderpass: Boolean = false,     val isDividedRoad: Boolean = false,     val isTransitProhibited: Boolean = false,     val isTollRoad: Boolean = false,     val isUrbanArea: Boolean = false,     val isComplexIntersection: Boolean = false,     val isTunnel: Boolean = false,     val tunnelName: String? = null,     val isBridge: Boolean = false,     val bridgeName: String? = null)

The properties of the road.


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constructor(    numberOfLanes: NumberOfLanes,     @IntRange(from = 0, to = 7) functionalRoadClass: Int? = null,     roadType: RoadType? = null,     roadCondition: RoadCondition? = null,     drivingSide: DrivingSide,     isOverpass: Boolean = false,     isUnderpass: Boolean = false,     isDividedRoad: Boolean = false,     isTransitProhibited: Boolean = false,     isTollRoad: Boolean = false,     isUrbanArea: Boolean = false,     isComplexIntersection: Boolean = false,     isTunnel: Boolean = false,     tunnelName: String? = null,     isBridge: Boolean = false,     bridgeName: String? = null)


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object Companion


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val bridgeName: String? = null

The name of the bridge or null if not applicable (i.e. isBridge is false) or not available. It is not mutually exclusive with tunnelName.

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The driving side of the road.

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The functional road class. It indicates the relative importance of the road in the road network. The lower the value, the more important the road. Regular values are in the range MIN_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS to MAX_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS. A value equal to MIN_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS indicates a road from the most important category. A value equal to MAX_FUNCTIONAL_ROAD_CLASS indicates a road from the least important category.

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val isBridge: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road is on a bridge. True if the road is on a bridge, false otherwise. It is not mutually exclusive with isTunnel.

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A flag that indicates whether the road is part of a complex intersection: true if part of a complex intersection, false otherwise.

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val isDividedRoad: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road lanes are separated by some type of a physical barrier: true if dual carriage, false if single carriage.

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val isOverpass: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road is on an overpass: true if on an overpass, false otherwise.

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val isTollRoad: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road requires a toll payment: true if toll required, false otherwise.

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A flag that indicates whether transit on the road is prohibited: true if prohibited, false otherwise.

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val isTunnel: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road is in a tunnel. True if the road is in a tunnel, false otherwise. It is not mutually exclusive with isBridge.

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val isUnderpass: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road is in an underpass: true if in an underpass, false otherwise.

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val isUrbanArea: Boolean = false

A flag that indicates whether the road is in a built-up area: true if in a built-up area, false otherwise.

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The number of lanes on the road.

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The road condition. It describes the surface of the road.

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val roadType: RoadType? = null

The road type. It indicates the type of the road based on a fine-grained classification of roads according to road purpose.

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val tunnelName: String? = null

The name of the tunnel or null if not applicable (i.e. isTunnel is false) or not available. It is not mutually exclusive with bridgeName.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String