Package-level declarations


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class NumberOfLanes(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 15) inDrivingDirection: Int? = null, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 15) inOppositeDirection: Int? = null)

Total number of lanes on the road in both directions.

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A coarse-grained classification of roads according to road purpose and capacity. In general, it is associated with specific horizon data, such as a com.tomtom.sdk.navigation.horizon.elements.countryinformation.RegionalSpeedLimit.

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Road pavement condition types.

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class RoadProperties(val numberOfLanes: NumberOfLanes, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 7) functionalRoadClass: Int? = null, val roadType: RoadType? = null, val roadCondition: RoadCondition? = null, val drivingSide: DrivingSide, val isOverpass: Boolean = false, val isUnderpass: Boolean = false, val isDividedRoad: Boolean = false, val isTransitProhibited: Boolean = false, val isTollRoad: Boolean = false, val isUrbanArea: Boolean = false, val isComplexIntersection: Boolean = false, val isTunnel: Boolean = false, val tunnelName: String? = null, val isBridge: Boolean = false, val bridgeName: String? = null)

The properties of the road.

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value class RoadType

A fine-grained classification of roads according to road purpose.

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Speed limit consisting of a speed limit type and a speed limit value.