
fun copy(    geometry: List<GeoPoint> = this.geometry,     @ColorInt color: Int = this.color,     @FloatRange(from = 0.0) outlineWidth: Double = this.outlineWidth,     widths: List<WidthByZoom> = this.widths,     visible: Boolean = this.visible,     progress: Distance = this.progress,     instructions: List<Instruction> = this.instructions,     tag: String? = this.tag,     departureMarkerVisible: Boolean = this.departureMarkerVisible,     destinationMarkerVisible: Boolean = this.destinationMarkerVisible,     isFollowable: Boolean = this.isFollowable,     routeOffset: List<Distance> = this.routeOffset,     sections: List<RouteSection> = this.sections,     departureMarkerPinImage: Image? = this.departureMarkerPinImage,     destinationMarkerPinImage: Image? = this.destinationMarkerPinImage,     departureMarkerCoordinate: GeoPoint? = this.departure,     destinationMarkerCoordinate: GeoPoint? = this.destination): RouteOptions


This API is deprecated and will be removed with the next major release.