
A quantity describing an electric current. (For example, 10 amperes.)


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object Companion
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abstract class Unit : UnitBase

Electric current units.


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open fun abs(): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance with the value from this as absolute value.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: ElectricCurrent): Int
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open operator override fun div(divisor: ElectricCurrent): Double

open operator override fun div(divisor: Double): ElectricCurrent
open operator override fun div(divisor: Int): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance with the value from this divided by divisor.

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Returns a FormattedQuantity representation of the value from this in the given unit.

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Expresses the electric current's value in amperes.

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Expresses the electric current's value in amperes.

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open operator override fun minus(other: ElectricCurrent): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance that has other's value subtracted from this.

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open operator override fun plus(other: ElectricCurrent): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance with a value equal to the sum of values from this and other.

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open override fun selfFactory(rawValue: Long): ElectricCurrent
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open operator override fun times(factor: Double): ElectricCurrent
open operator override fun times(factor: Int): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance with the value from this multiplied by factor.

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Expresses the value of this under the given unit as a Double.

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Expresses the value of this under the given unit as a Long.

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open override fun toString(): String
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open operator override fun unaryMinus(): ElectricCurrent

Returns a new instance with the value from this as negative.


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open override val rawValue: Long