Horizon search options for a sub-path level.
These options specify the search distance and the search time for a sub-path level. The level of a sub-path is the number of times the user would have to deviate, starting from the main path, in order to reach that sub-path. The search distance and the search time define the extent of sub-paths of that level in the horizon.
To specify options for a sub-path level, create an instance of this class:
val subPathSearchOptionsLevel1 = SubPathSearchOptions(
searchTime = 5.minutes,
searchDistance = PathSearchDistance(
maxHorizonLength = Distance.kilometers(2)
For more information on horizon paths see HorizonEngine.
For more information on horizon options see HorizonOptions.
If both search time and search distance are specified (i.e., the options specify both a search time and a search distance) for a given sub-path level, the horizon engine extends horizon sub-paths of that level until both time and distance have reached the limit. If only the search distance is specified for a given sub-path level, the horizon engine works with a default value DEFAULT_SUB_PATH_SEARCH_TIME for the search time and extends the sub-paths of that level based on the search distance. If only the search time is specified for a given sub-path level, the horizon engine works with a default value of DEFAULT_MAX_HORIZON_SUB_PATH_LENGTH maximum extension length for the search distance and extends sub-paths of that level until both time and distance reach the limit.
Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
Path search time. The default value is DEFAULT_SUB_PATH_SEARCH_TIME.
Path search distance. The default value is PathSearchDistance (DEFAULT_MAX_HORIZON_SUB_PATH_LENGTH).
if searchTime is negative or searchDistance is invalid.