
class DefaultSearchVisualization(search: Search, tomtomMap: TomTomMap, poiVisualization: POIVisualization = POIVisualizationFactory.create(tomtomMap)) : SearchVisualization


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constructor(search: Search, tomtomMap: TomTomMap, poiVisualization: POIVisualization = POIVisualizationFactory.create(tomtomMap))


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object Companion


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open override fun clear()

Remove the previous added POIs from the map.

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open override fun displayPois(geometry: List<GeoPoint>, configuration: SearchConfiguration, callback: SearchVisualizationCallback): Cancellable

Display Points of Interest(POIs) along a route represented by the specified geometry with the given configuration.

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open override fun replaceMap(tomtomMap: TomTomMap)

Replaces the current TomTomMap with a new one.