Package-level declarations
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data class MapOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val mapKey: String, val cameraOptions: CameraOptions? = null, val padding: Padding = Padding(), val mapStyle: StyleDescriptor? = null, val styleMode: StyleMode = StyleMode.MAIN, val onlineCachePolicy: OnlineCachePolicy = OnlineCachePolicy.Default, val renderToTexture: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
Configures the map options.
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class TomTomMap : RouteController, MapController, MarkerController, CircleController, PolygonController, PolygonOverlayController, PolylineController, CameraController, StyleController, LocationController, CopyrightsController, GesturesController, TrafficController, RenderedFeatureController, VehicleController
This is the main entry point for all methods related to the map. TomTomMap can be obtained via the MapFragment or the MapView, using getMapAsync() method.
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object TomTomMapConfig
Holds global configuration values for instances of TomTomMap.