
data class GeoBoundingBox(val topLeft: GeoPoint, val bottomRight: GeoPoint)

Represents a bounding box for the map. It's defined in the WGS84 format.



Top left corner of the bounding box.


Bottom right corner of the bounding box.


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constructor(topLeft: GeoPoint, bottomRight: GeoPoint)


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object Companion


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fun contains(boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox): Boolean

Check whether this bounding box contains the other GeoBoundingBox described by the given parameter.

fun contains(coordinates: GeoPoint): Boolean

Checks whether this bounding box contains the given GeoPoint.

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fun roundUp(precision: Int): GeoBoundingBox

Creates a new bounding box using current bounds, but described with the given precision.

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Get actual coordinates of the GeoBoundingBox which can be used to show the box on a map. Coordinates describe box coordinates in clockwise direction starting from the top left corner.


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Provides a center point of the defined bounding box.

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