Package-level declarations


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class ApiKeyFailure(val message: String = API_KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE) : HazardsFailure

Hazards call did not finish due to a problem with the API key.

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class ConnectionFailure(val message: String? = null) : HazardsFailure

Hazards could not establish a connection to the Hazards service.

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class DeserializationFailure(val message: String? = null) : HazardsFailure

Deserialization of a single Hazard has failed.

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annotation class ExperimentalHazardsApi
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Describes the categories of Hazard data.

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value class HazardId(val value: String)

Identifies a hazard.

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abstract class HazardLocation

Represents a hazard location.

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Describes the level of severity.

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abstract class HazardsFailure

Describes the error that happened during the processing of the subscription request.

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class HazardsOptions(val boundingBoxes: List<GeoBoundingBox>, val types: List<HazardType> = HazardType.getAllHazardTypes())

A configuration that can be used in Hazards.

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value class HazardType

Describes the type of Hazard data.

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class HttpFailure(val httpErrorCode: Int, val message: String) : HazardsFailure

Hazards call ended with unexpected HTTP code.

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class NetworkFailure(val message: String) : HazardsFailure

Hazards call failed with IOException due to network problems.

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class SubscriptionFailure(val message: String? = null) : HazardsFailure

Hazards could not complete a subscription request.

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class UnknownFailure(val message: String? = null) : HazardsFailure

Hazards call ended with an unknown error.