Controls gestures related to the user interactions on the TomTomMap. It allows to enable and disable certain gestures as well as listen for certain gesture events.
Registers MapClickListener which is notified when the map has been clicked (tapped).
Registers MapDoubleClickListener which is notified when the map double click (double tap) gesture has been recognized.
Registers MapLongClickListener which is notified when the map long click (long press) gesture has been recognized.
Registers MapPanningListener which is notified when user performs the panning gesture on the map.
Allows to change the default gesture detection behaviour. For example invocation of this method with the following parameters: setExclusiveGestures(GestureType.Rotation, setOf(GestureType.Scale)) results in GestureType.Rotation being ignored if its not already ongoing before GestureType.Scale.
Removes the MapClickListener.
Removes the MapDoubleClickListener.
Removes the MapLongClickListener.
Removes the MapPanningListener.
Flag determining whether the map panning with two or more fingers is enabled. True by default.
Flag determining whether the rotation is enabled. True by default.
Flag determining whether the scroll gesture is enabled. True by default.
Flag determining whether the tilt (aka shove) gesture is enabled. True by default.
Flag determining whether the zoom gesture is enabled. True by default.