
Responsible for interacting with and customizing a navigation.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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abstract fun acceptProposedRoute()

Accepts the proposed Route. The Route is proposed via ReplannedRouteProposedListener. The navigation will switch to navigate along the proposed route and the RouteUpdatedListener will be notified. If the acceptance of the proposed route fails, the NavigationFailureListener will be triggered with the RouteUpdateFailure.

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Adds an DestinationReachedListener which will inform about reaching destination the ArrivalDetectionEngine successfully detects arrival at the destination.

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Adds an GuidanceUpdatedListener which will inform about new Guidance each time a location change occurs and the GuidanceEngine successfully generates it.

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Adds an HorizonUpdatedListener which will inform about new horizon snapshot each time a location change occurs and the HorizonEngine successfully updated it.

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Adds an LaneGuidanceUpdatedListener which will report new LaneGuidance every time a location change occurs and the GuidanceEngine successfully generates it.

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Adds an LanguageChangedListener which will report on changes to the navigation language.

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Adds an LocationContextUpdatedListener which will inform about new LocationContext each time a location change occurs and the LocationContextProviderEngine successfully provides it.

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Adds an LocationMapMatchedListener which will inform about new MapMatchingResult each time a location change occurs and the MapMatchingEngine successfully matches it.

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Adds an NavigationFailureListener which will inform about failures that occurred during navigating.

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Adds an NavigationStartedListener which will inform about successful navigation start.

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Adds an ProgressUpdatedListener which will inform about new progress along the route each time a location update occurs and the RouteProgressEngine successfully calculates it.

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Adds an ReplannedRouteProposedListener which will report on the new ReplannedRoute. Its Route can be used for navigation by accepting this proposal using the acceptProposedRoute method. The listener will only be triggered if BetterProposalAcceptanceMode is set to BetterProposalAcceptanceMode.Manual or BetterProposalAcceptanceMode.UnreachableOnly in

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Adds an RouteDeviationListener which will inform about getting off the route when the RouteTrackingEngine successfully detects it.

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Adds an RoutesChangedListener which will inform about any change to the set of routes in the navigation session.

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Adds an RouteUpdatedListener which will inform about successful update of the Route.

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Adds an WaypointArrivalListener which will inform about waypoints arrival state change when the ArrivalDetectionEngine successfully detects arrival at a waypoint.

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abstract fun close()
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abstract fun markWaypointAsVisited(waypoint: RouteStop)

Manually mark waypoint as visited. This action requires that waypoint has been previously announced as reached via WaypointArrivalListener and that is has not been announced as visited via WaypointArrivalListener. The navigation will mark the given waypoint as visited and the WaypointArrivalListener will be notified.

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Removes previously registered DestinationReachedListener.

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Removes previously registered GuidanceUpdatedListener.

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Removes previously registered HorizonUpdatedListener.

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Removes previously registered LanguageChangedListener.

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Removes previously registered LocationMapMatchedListener.

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Removes previously registered NavigationFailureListener.

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Removes previously registered NavigationStartedListener.

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Removes previously registered ProgressUpdatedListener.

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Removes previously registered RouteDeviationListener.

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Removes previously registered RoutesChangedListener.

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Removes previously registered RouteUpdatedListener.

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Removes previously registered WaypointArrivalListener.

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abstract fun start()

Starts navigation without a Route. In this case navigation will just provide a MapMatchingResult and LocationContext, therefore navigation will interact only with LocationMapMatchedListener and LocationContextUpdatedListener.

abstract fun start(navigationOptions: NavigationOptions)

Starts navigation with provided NavigationOptions. Navigation will go through all steps:

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abstract fun stop()

Stops current navigation session and clears data related to it. Calling this method will have no effect if start was not called previously.

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abstract fun update(navigationOptions: NavigationOptions)

Updates the navigation session with a Route from a provided NavigationOptions. If the navigation was started with a Route then this method will replace the current Route with the provided one. If the navigation was started without a Route then this method will start navigating on the provided Route. Note that the initial instances of navigation engines will be used in the new navigation session.


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abstract var language: Locale

Language to be used within TomTomNavigation.

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The LocationProvider used by the TomTomNavigation for providing location updates to the navigation.

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Provides access to current registered engines and allows updating them.

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The current NavigationSnapshot. Can be null when navigation is not yet started or already stopped.

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UnitSystem to be used within TomTomNavigation.

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The VehicleProvider used by the TomTomNavigation for providing vehicle updates to the navigation.