Synchronous Batch

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2022.10.01
TomTom Maps


The Synchronous Batch endpoint allows you to submit a new batch for synchronous processing. It responds with a batch processing result, or an HTTP 408 request timeout error if the processing time exceeds 60 seconds.

Request data


  • Constants and parameters enclosed in curly brackets { } must be replaced with their values.
  • Please see the following Request parameters section with the required and optional parameters tables for their values. The generic request format is as follows.

URL request format

URL request format

URL request example

URL request example{Your_API_Key}

curl request example

curl request example
curl -XPOST '{Your_API_Key}'

Request headers

The following table describes HTTP headers of particular interest to Batch Routing service clients.

Required headersDescription

Specifies the MIME type of the body of the request. It may be: application/json.

Optional headersDescription

Should contain a list of encodings acceptable by the client. Used to demand a compressed response.
Value: gzip


Specifies an identifier for the request.

  • It can be used to trace a call.
  • The value must match the regular expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,100}$'.

  • An example of format that matches this regular expression is UUID: (e.g., 9ac68072-c7a4-11e8-a8d5-f2801f1b9fd1 ). For details check RFC 4122.

  • If specified, it is replicated in the Tracking-ID response header.

  • It is only meant to be used for support and does not involve tracking of you or your users in any form.

Value: An identifier for the request.

Request parameters

The following data table describes the request parameters.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.
  • A parameter's data type is beneath its name.
Required parametersDescription


Base URL for calling the API.


Service version.
Value: The current value is 1.


An API Key valid for the requested service.
Value: Your valid API Key.

Supported Routing API suite endpoints

A list of Routing API suite endpoints supported by the Batch Routing service can be found below. For details regarding particular API usage, consult the following respective API documentation pages:

POST request body

The POST body of a batch request should contain a set of items which will be used to execute requests to supported endpoints of the Routing API suite.

Each batch request can contain items corresponding to multiple supported endpoints of the Routing API suite. For each endpoint, the same body structure applies and specific parameters of each endpoint are expected to go into query elements.

JSON request body example
2 "batchItems": [
3 {"query": "..."},
4 ...
5 {
6 "query": "...",
7 "post": {...}
8 }
9 ]

POST request body fields



A set of batch items.
Value: The maximum number of batch items for an Synchronous API is 100.


A string used to build a request to one of the supported endpoints of the Routing API suite.

  • It is a partial URL without protocol, base URL, service version, or API Key parts.

  • The output format (last path element) must be json.

  • The query string values must be properly escaped (e.g., a " character should be escaped with a \ (backslash)). More information is available in RFC 7159.

  • Please note that the callback parameter is not supported by Batch Routing. For detailed descriptions, refer to the documentation of Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range services.


Contains data that is passed to the Calculate Route or Calculate Reachable Range services using the HTTP POST method.

  • The POST data format must match the Content-Type header of a submitted Batch request, i.e., it should be in JSON format when the Content-Type is set to application/json.

  • Please refer to the POST Data parameters section of Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range services documentation for detailed descriptions and examples of content for this field.

POST request body examples

Mixed endpoints example
2 "batchItems": [
3 {
4 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.36006039665441,4.851064682006836:52.36187528311709,4.850560426712036/json?travelMode=car&routeType=fastest&traffic=true&departAt=now&maxAlternatives=0"
5 },
6 {
7 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.36241907934766,4.850034713745116:52.36173769505809,4.852169752120972/json?travelMode=teleport&routeType=fastest&traffic=true&departAt=now"
8 },
9 {
10 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.23292,21.06179:43.29379,17.01963/json",
11 "post": {
12 "avoidVignette": [
13 "AUS",
14 "CHE"
15 ]
16 }
17 },
18 {
19 "query": "/calculateReachableRange/52.36187528311709,4.850560426712036/json?fuelBudgetInLiters=20&constantSpeedConsumptionInLitersPerHundredkm=50,6",
20 "post": {
21 "avoidVignette": [
22 "NLD"
23 ]
24 }
25 },
26 {
27 "query": "/calculateReachableRange/52.36173769505809,4.852169752120972/json?timeBudgetInSec=1800"
28 }
29 ]
Calculate Route example
2 "batchItems": [
3 {
4 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.36006039665441,4.851064682006836:52.36187528311709,4.850560426712036/json?travelMode=car&routeType=fastest&traffic=true&departAt=now&maxAlternatives=0"
5 },
6 {
7 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.36241907934766,4.850034713745116:52.36173769505809,4.852169752120972/json?travelMode=teleport&routeType=fastest&traffic=true&departAt=now"
8 },
9 {
10 "query": "/calculateRoute/52.23292,21.06179:43.29379,17.01963/json",
11 "post": {
12 "avoidVignette": [
13 "AUS",
14 "CHE"
15 ]
16 }
17 }
18 ]
Calculate Reachable Range example
2 "batchItems": [
3 {
4 "query": "/calculateReachableRange/52.36187528311709,4.850560426712036/json?fuelBudgetInLiters=20&constantSpeedConsumptionInLitersPerHundredkm=50,6",
5 "post": {
6 "avoidVignette": [
7 "NLD"
8 ]
9 }
10 },
11 {
12 "query": "/calculateReachableRange/52.36173769505809,4.852169752120972/json?timeBudgetInSec=1800"
13 }
14 ]

Response data

HTTP Status codes

Code Meaning & possible causes

OK: The batch job has completed. Results are streamed to the client.


Bad Request:

  • Missing required parameters.
  • Exceeded maximum number of batch items.
  • Or, parameters did not pass validation.


  • The API Key is missing, inactive, invalid, not entitled to use Batch Routing API over QPS (Queries per second) or over QPD (Queries per day).

  • Can also occur when using HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Not Found: The requested resource could not be found, but it may be available again in the future.


Method Not Allowed: The client used an HTTP method other than POST.


Request timeout: The request sent to the server took longer than it was prepared to wait.


Requested URI is too long: Indicates that the URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret.


Too Many Requests: The API Key is over QPS (Queries per second).


An error occurred while processing the request. Please try again later.


Internal network connectivity issue. Please try again later.


Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.


Internal network connectivity issue or a request that has taken too long to complete. Please try again later.


Service not found. Request contains an incorrect FQDN and/or path.

Response headers

The following table describes HTTP response headers of particular interest to Batch service clients.


A comma-separated list of HTTP header names that browsers are allowed to access.
Value: Content-Length


A header instructing browsers to allow customer websites to contact the Batch Routing service.
Value: *


The Batch Routing service applies gzip compression to the responses if it is requested by the client with the Accept-Encoding header.
Value: gzip


The format of the response as chosen by the client (see the contentType request parameter).
Values: application/json;charset=utf-8


Indicates the location where the batch results can be downloaded.
Value: URI


An identifier for the request.

  • If the Tracking-ID header was specified, it is replicated in the response.

  • Otherwise, it is generated automatically by the service.
  • It is only meant to be used for support and does not involve tracking of you or your users in any form.

Value: An identifier for the request.

Successful response structure

Each Batch response consists of one or more elements which correspond sequentially with the elements in the request. Each element contains a successful response from the invoked Routing API suite endpoint or a status code indicating why the batch item failed.

JSON Response body example
2 "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
3 "batchItems": [
4 {
5 "statusCode": ...,
6 "response": {...}
7 },
8 ...,
9 {
10 "statusCode": ...,
11 "response": {...}
12 }
13 ],
14 "summary": {
15 "successfulRequests": ...,
16 "totalRequests": ...
17 }

Successful response fields

batchItemsA set of batch items processing results.

Status code of a response from the underlying Routing API suite endpoint for given batch item.


Content of the response from the underlying Routing API suite endpoint for a given batch item query.

  • The full response content will be included both in case of success and failure.

  • If the underlying service's response content type does not match requested content type, then the response will be wrapped to fit the requested content type.

summarySummary of the batch request.
successfulRequestsNumber of successful batch item requests.
totalRequestsTotal number of items in a batch request.

Successful response example

To improve the readability of the example, the copyright and privacy sections inside a batch item response are skipped.

JSON response example
2 "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
3 "batchItems": [
4 {
5 "statusCode": 200,
6 "response": {
7 "formatVersion": "0.0.12",
8 "copyright": "...",
9 "privacy": "...",
10 "routes": [
11 {
12 "summary": {
13 "lengthInMeters": 223,
14 "travelTimeInSeconds": 66,
15 "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0,
16 "departureTime": "2016-04-22T13:43:25+02:00",
17 "arrivalTime": "2016-04-22T13:44:31+02:00"
18 },
19 "legs": [
20 {
21 "summary": {
22 "lengthInMeters": 223,
23 "travelTimeInSeconds": 66,
24 "trafficDelayInSeconds": 0,
25 "departureTime": "2016-04-22T13:43:25+02:00",
26 "arrivalTime": "2016-04-22T13:44:31+02:00"
27 },
28 "points": [
29 {
30 "latitude": 52.36006,
31 "longitude": 4.85109
32 },
33 {
34 "latitude": 52.36084,
35 "longitude": 4.85106
36 },
37 {
38 "latitude": 52.36176,
39 "longitude": 4.85104
40 },
41 {
42 "latitude": 52.36176,
43 "longitude": 4.85056
44 }
45 ]
46 }
47 ],
48 "sections": [
49 {
50 "startPointIndex": 0,
51 "endPointIndex": 3,
52 "travelMode": "car"
53 }
54 ]
55 }
56 ]
57 }
58 },
59 {
60 "statusCode": 400,
61 "response": {
62 "formatVersion": "0.0.12",
63 "copyright": "...",
64 "privacy": "...",
65 "error": {
66 "description": "Invalid travel mode value: [teleport]"
67 }
68 }
69 },
70 {
71 "statusCode": 200,
72 "response": {
73 "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
74 "copyright": "...",
75 "privacy": "...",
76 "reachableRange": {
77 "center": {
78 "latitude": 52.36176,
79 "longitude": 4.85056
80 },
81 "boundary": [
82 {
83 "latitude": 52.78716,
84 "longitude": 4.81318
85 },
86 {
87 "latitude": 52.78983,
88 "longitude": 4.79019
89 },
90 {
91 "latitude": 52.78346,
92 "longitude": 4.70485
93 },
94 {
95 "latitude": 52.77541,
96 "longitude": 4.67377
97 },
98 {
99 "latitude": 52.73947,
100 "longitude": 4.6453
101 },
102 {
103 "latitude": 52.61481,
104 "longitude": 4.64891
105 },
106 {
107 "latitude": 52.61362,
108 "longitude": 4.64887
109 },
110 {
111 "latitude": 52.53855,
112 "longitude": 4.65841
113 },
114 {
115 "latitude": 52.49834,
116 "longitude": 4.64125
117 },
118 {
119 "latitude": 52.47165,
120 "longitude": 4.60932
121 },
122 {
123 "latitude": 52.46203,
124 "longitude": 4.58628
125 },
126 {
127 "latitude": 52.44705,
128 "longitude": 4.59327
129 },
130 {
131 "latitude": 52.37132,
132 "longitude": 4.52544
133 },
134 {
135 "latitude": 52.32164,
136 "longitude": 4.57722
137 },
138 {
139 "latitude": 52.26437,
140 "longitude": 4.45996
141 },
142 {
143 "latitude": 52.11393,
144 "longitude": 4.28383
145 },
146 {
147 "latitude": 50.98539,
148 "longitude": 2.23052
149 },
150 {
151 "latitude": 50.98863,
152 "longitude": 2.35777
153 },
154 {
155 "latitude": 50.43132,
156 "longitude": 2.84907
157 },
158 {
159 "latitude": 50.33847,
160 "longitude": 2.92668
161 },
162 {
163 "latitude": 50.22934,
164 "longitude": 3.27133
165 },
166 {
167 "latitude": 50.45216,
168 "longitude": 3.76045
169 },
170 {
171 "latitude": 50.48706,
172 "longitude": 4.08585
173 },
174 {
175 "latitude": 49.98206,
176 "longitude": 4.51402
177 },
178 {
179 "latitude": 50.49117,
180 "longitude": 4.6182
181 },
182 {
183 "latitude": 50.09545,
184 "longitude": 5.13195
185 },
186 {
187 "latitude": 49.91044,
188 "longitude": 5.29447
189 },
190 {
191 "latitude": 50.02166,
192 "longitude": 5.69731
193 },
194 {
195 "latitude": 50.07049,
196 "longitude": 5.73492
197 },
198 {
199 "latitude": 50.21669,
200 "longitude": 6.23432
201 },
202 {
203 "latitude": 50.11697,
204 "longitude": 6.43576
205 },
206 {
207 "latitude": 50.46513,
208 "longitude": 6.7001
209 },
210 {
211 "latitude": 50.37483,
212 "longitude": 7.41121
213 },
214 {
215 "latitude": 50.52358,
216 "longitude": 7.67539
217 },
218 {
219 "latitude": 50.87047,
220 "longitude": 7.96531
221 },
222 {
223 "latitude": 51.02269,
224 "longitude": 7.82893
225 },
226 {
227 "latitude": 51.54443,
228 "longitude": 8.1081
229 },
230 {
231 "latitude": 52.2334,
232 "longitude": 9.25347
233 },
234 {
235 "latitude": 52.86505,
236 "longitude": 8.23947
237 },
238 {
239 "latitude": 52.95622,
240 "longitude": 8.56608
241 },
242 {
243 "latitude": 53.18553,
244 "longitude": 8.10646
245 },
246 {
247 "latitude": 53.32431,
248 "longitude": 6.87906
249 },
250 {
251 "latitude": 53.24864,
252 "longitude": 6.46143
253 },
254 {
255 "latitude": 53.21977,
256 "longitude": 5.98597
257 },
258 {
259 "latitude": 53.20076,
260 "longitude": 5.64319
261 },
262 {
263 "latitude": 53.18381,
264 "longitude": 5.45848
265 },
266 {
267 "latitude": 53.03505,
268 "longitude": 5.23428
269 },
270 {
271 "latitude": 52.95193,
272 "longitude": 5.0762
273 },
274 {
275 "latitude": 52.7731,
276 "longitude": 4.956
277 },
278 {
279 "latitude": 52.73059,
280 "longitude": 4.89175
281 }
282 ]
283 }
284 }
285 },
286 {
287 "statusCode": 200,
288 "response": {
289 "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
290 "copyright": "...",
291 "privacy": "...",
292 "reachableRange": {
293 "center": {
294 "latitude": 52.36178,
295 "longitude": 4.85216
296 },
297 "boundary": [
298 {
299 "latitude": 52.55238,
300 "longitude": 4.831
301 },
302 {
303 "latitude": 52.58944,
304 "longitude": 4.81481
305 },
306 {
307 "latitude": 52.61593,
308 "longitude": 4.75696
309 },
310 {
311 "latitude": 52.61869,
312 "longitude": 4.73182
313 },
314 {
315 "latitude": 52.60065,
316 "longitude": 4.72924
317 },
318 {
319 "latitude": 52.5704,
320 "longitude": 4.69259
321 },
322 {
323 "latitude": 52.56248,
324 "longitude": 4.66803
325 },
326 {
327 "latitude": 52.51754,
328 "longitude": 4.65152
329 },
330 {
331 "latitude": 52.51005,
332 "longitude": 4.65357
333 },
334 {
335 "latitude": 52.47165,
336 "longitude": 4.60932
337 },
338 {
339 "latitude": 52.46203,
340 "longitude": 4.58628
341 },
342 {
343 "latitude": 52.44705,
344 "longitude": 4.59327
345 },
346 {
347 "latitude": 52.40392,
348 "longitude": 4.54964
349 },
350 {
351 "latitude": 52.34494,
352 "longitude": 4.58513
353 },
354 {
355 "latitude": 52.27725,
356 "longitude": 4.51188
357 },
358 {
359 "latitude": 52.17925,
360 "longitude": 4.40661
361 },
362 {
363 "latitude": 52.13387,
364 "longitude": 4.40049
365 },
366 {
367 "latitude": 52.08084,
368 "longitude": 4.4085
369 },
370 {
371 "latitude": 52.12844,
372 "longitude": 4.54478
373 },
374 {
375 "latitude": 52.14113,
376 "longitude": 4.6569
377 },
378 {
379 "latitude": 52.13626,
380 "longitude": 4.69284
381 },
382 {
383 "latitude": 52.18881,
384 "longitude": 4.76185
385 },
386 {
387 "latitude": 52.24121,
388 "longitude": 4.81595
389 },
390 {
391 "latitude": 52.25268,
392 "longitude": 4.8248
393 },
394 {
395 "latitude": 52.2258,
396 "longitude": 4.85207
397 },
398 {
399 "latitude": 52.22231,
400 "longitude": 4.86311
401 },
402 {
403 "latitude": 52.11528,
404 "longitude": 4.91272
405 },
406 {
407 "latitude": 52.10203,
408 "longitude": 4.91813
409 },
410 {
411 "latitude": 52.15657,
412 "longitude": 4.9549
413 },
414 {
415 "latitude": 52.07171,
416 "longitude": 5.03885
417 },
418 {
419 "latitude": 52.03868,
420 "longitude": 5.06395
421 },
422 {
423 "latitude": 52.06083,
424 "longitude": 5.09541
425 },
426 {
427 "latitude": 52.12659,
428 "longitude": 5.1081
429 },
430 {
431 "latitude": 52.23269,
432 "longitude": 5.04984
433 },
434 {
435 "latitude": 52.17824,
436 "longitude": 5.18006
437 },
438 {
439 "latitude": 52.20553,
440 "longitude": 5.27285
441 },
442 {
443 "latitude": 52.21432,
444 "longitude": 5.33036
445 },
446 {
447 "latitude": 52.35769,
448 "longitude": 5.3551
449 },
450 {
451 "latitude": 52.4155,
452 "longitude": 5.38742
453 },
454 {
455 "latitude": 52.37996,
456 "longitude": 4.97327
457 },
458 {
459 "latitude": 52.39278,
460 "longitude": 4.96466
461 },
462 {
463 "latitude": 52.45905,
464 "longitude": 5.03088
465 },
466 {
467 "latitude": 52.49351,
468 "longitude": 5.03124
469 },
470 {
471 "latitude": 52.54294,
472 "longitude": 5.02473
473 },
474 {
475 "latitude": 52.65356,
476 "longitude": 5.07229
477 },
478 {
479 "latitude": 52.67399,
480 "longitude": 5.06906
481 },
482 {
483 "latitude": 52.7202,
484 "longitude": 5.02538
485 },
486 {
487 "latitude": 52.63563,
488 "longitude": 4.9565
489 },
490 {
491 "latitude": 52.54702,
492 "longitude": 4.87765
493 },
494 {
495 "latitude": 52.54899,
496 "longitude": 4.86904
497 }
498 ]
499 }
500 }
501 }
502 ],
503 "summary": {
504 "successfulRequests": 3,
505 "totalRequests": 4
506 }

Error response

JSON error response example
2 "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
3 "error": {
4 "description": "Validation of batch item 1 failed. Batch response format (JSON) does not match content type of batch item query."
5 },
6 "detailedError": {
7 "code": "BadRequest",
8 "message": "Bad Request",
9 "details": {
10 "code": "MalformedBody",
11 "message": "Validation of batch item 1 failed. Batch response format (JSON) does not match content type of batch item query",
12 "target": "postBody"
13 }
14 }

Error response fields

Primary fieldsDescription


Version of the batch error response format.


Simplified information about the error.
error object


Detailed information about the error.
detailedError object

error object


A human-readable description of the error. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.

detailedError object


One of the defined error codes.


A human-readable description of the error code. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.


Target of the particular error.

  • The name of the request parameter.
  • postBody


An array of root causes (more detailed errors) that led to this error.
detailedError array


Optional. A higher level of details about this error.
innerError object

innerError object


One of the defined error codes.


Optional. A human-readable representation of the error code. It is intended as an aid to developers and is not suitable for exposure to end users.


A higher level of details about this error.
innerError object

Error code hierarchy

List of predefined, hierarchical, human-readable error codes.

  • Top level codes relate to HTTP error codes.
  • They may be refined by error codes in details or innerError.
  • Further levels of refinement are possible by nesting innerError inside innerError.

In the future, the list may be extended with additional codes. The application must be ready for the occurrence of an unknown error code (e.g., by stopping error processing at the last understood level of detail).

Error codeDescription

One of the request parameters was missing or did not pass validation. The target field contains the name of the related parameter.

Possible inner errors:

  • MissingRequiredParameter

  • InvalidParameterValue

  • IllegalParameter


Top level code for requests which resulted in an HTTP 400 Bad Request.

Possible root causes:

  • BadArgument

  • MalformedBody


Top level code for requests which resulted in a HTTP 408 Request Timeout. Calculating batch takes too long to complete using sync mode. Please recalculate using async mode.

IllegalParameterUnsupported request parameter was specified.
InvalidParameterValueThe value of one of the parameters is invalid.

Top level code for requests which resulted in an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. The service cannot handle the request right now, an unexpected condition was encountered.


POST body has an unexpected format.

MissingRequiredParameterOne of the required parameters was not provided.

Top level code for requests which resulted in a HTTP 404 Not Found caused by providing an incorrect request path.


Top level code for requests which resulted in an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable. The service cannot handle the request right now, this is certainly a temporary state.