The TomTom Map Display module provides real-time traffic updates. You can show this on the map by adding a layer with traffic flow and a layer with traffic incidents. To show or hide these layers call the following methods on the TomTomMap
Traffic flow
The traffic flow layer shows congestion on the main route network. To show it:

To hide traffic flow:
Traffic incidents
To show traffic incidents on the map, call the TomTomMap.showTrafficIncidents()

To hide traffic incidents:
Additionally, you can observe click actions performed on traffic incidents. To do this, set the TrafficIncidentClickListener
listener to the TomTomMap
object. If the user taps on a traffic incident, the listener method is triggered with the list of TrafficIncident
objects and the GeoPoint
of the clicked location. The TrafficIncident
provides information about the incident such as a description of the cause (along with an icon category), delay in seconds, and when the incident is estimated to end.
1val trafficIncidentClickListener =2 TrafficIncidentClickListener {3 trafficIncidents: List<TrafficIncident>,4 geoPoint: GeoPoint,5 ->6 // YOUR CODE GOES HERE7 }8tomTomMap.addTrafficIncidentClickListener(trafficIncidentClickListener)
Once the listener is no longer needed, it can be removed.
Next steps
Since you have learned how to show traffic on the map, here are recommendations for the next steps: