Tabular Weather API
What is Tabular Weather?
TomTom’s tabular weather service is focused on the provisioning of real-time weather information for drivers. It provides both the current weather conditions and a forecast over multiple time periods, and supports multiple (linked) geographical areas for the reports.
This weather information is provided as:
Daily Weather Information | Hourly Weather Information |
Weather Description | Weather Description |
Max Temperature | Temperature |
Min Temperature | Wind Speed |
Wind Speed | Wind Direction |
Wind Direction | Precipitation Amount |
Precipitation Amount | Precipitation Probability |
Precipitation Probability | Sunshine Probability |
Sunshine Probability | UV Index |
UV Index | Perceived Temperature |
Thunderstorm Probability | Thunderstorm Probability |
Sunrise Time | Barometric Pressure |
Sunset Time | Relative Humidity |
The preceding parameters will be provided where available.
Common use-cases you can implement
Navigation related
- Inform the driver of the weather conditions at the destination location and/or selected locations.
- Display the weather information for selected locations with icons that depict the real-time weather condition.
- Weather information can be provided in a table and/or map format.
- Weather information can be used to decide distance coverage for an EV vehicle.
Data analytics
- Detect the impact of weather conditions on travel time, events, and incidents.
- Enables data to analyse probabilities of weather changes in the near future, i.e., weather predictions.
Feature list
The TomTom Tabular Weather REST API provides bulk weather conditions information (current & forecasts) for display on your map view. The response is provided in a protobuf file for the whole world. You will need the .proto file to decode the weather data when you download it.