Migration Guide

Last edit: 2024.06.04

Where do I find the new end points

The Orbis Routing API end point is:

URL request format

Changes in the parameters or responses

  • Either apiVersion query parameter or TomTom-Api-Version header needs to be present.
  • The query parameter sectionType has no default in Orbis.
    • Please request travelMode sections as needed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter routeType has a new set of values in Orbis: fast, short, efficient, and thrilling.
    • Please use fast instead of fastest, short instead of shortest, and efficient instead of eco.
  • The POST data parameter routeType in the legs object has a new set of values in Orbis: fast, short, efficient, and thrilling.
    • Please use fast instead of fastest, short instead of shortest, and efficient instead of eco.
  • The query parameter traffic has a new set of values in Orbis: live and historical.
    • Please use live instead of true and historical instead of false.
  • The query parameter travelMode only supports car in Orbis.

Changes in the features

  • Only the calculateRoute service is available in Orbis.
  • Only JSON responses are supported in Orbis.
    • The base path parameter contentType must be set to json in Orbis.
      • As a consequence, the statusCode field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • The query parameter callback has been removed in Orbis.
  • Only the electric detailed consumption model is supported in Orbis.
    • The query parameter constantSpeedConsumptionInLitersPerHundredkm has been removed in Orbis.
      • As a consequence, the fuelConsumptionInLiters field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • The query parameter currentFuelInLiters has been removed in Orbis.
    • The query parameter auxiliaryPowerInLitersPerHour has been removed in Orbis.
    • The query parameter fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter has been removed in Orbis.
  • Guidance instructions including lanes sections are not supported in Orbis.
    • The query parameter instructionsType has been removed in Orbis.
      • As a consequence, the guidance field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • The query parameter language has been removed in Orbis.
    • The query parameter instructionAnnouncementPoints has been removed in Orbis.
    • The query parameter instructionPhonetics has been removed in Orbis.
    • The query parameter instructionRoadShieldReferences has been removed in Orbis.
      • As a consequence, the roadShieldAtlasReference field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • The query parameter sectionType does not support lanes in Orbis.
      • As a consequence, sections with sectionType LANES are not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter sectionType does not support roadShields in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, sections with sectionType ROAD_SHIELDS are not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the roadShieldAtlasReference field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter sectionType does not support tollRoads and tollVignette in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, sections with sectionType TOLL_ROAD are not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, sections with sectionType TOLL_VIGNETTE are not provided in the response in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, sections with sectionType TOLL provide sections which include either a usage-based toll or toll vignette, in the response in Orbis.
  • The base path parameter routePlanningLocations does not support circle waypoints in Orbis.
  • The query parameter coordinatePrecision has been removed in Orbis.
    • Responses contain full precision coordinates in Orbis.
  • The query parameter computeBestOrder has been removed in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the optimizedWaypoints field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter routeRepresentation has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter computeTravelTimeFor has been removed in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the noTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds, historicTrafficTravelTimeInSeconds, and liveTrafficIncidentsTravelTimeInSeconds fields are not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter report has been removed in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the effectiveSettings field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter departAt has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter arriveAt has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter prefer has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter sectionType does not support handsFreeDriving in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, sections with sectionType HANDS_FREE_DRIVING are not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter handsFreeDrivingCapability has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter hilliness has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter windingness has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleMaxSpeed has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleAxleWeight has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleNumberOfAxles has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleLength has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleWidth has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleHeight has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleCommercial has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleLoadType has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter chargeMarginsInkWh has been removed in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the reachableRouteOffsets field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The query parameter arrivalSidePreference has been removed in Orbis.
  • The query parameter reconstructionMode has been removed in Orbis.
  • The POST data parameter avoidVignette has been removed in Orbis.
  • The POST data parameter allowVignette has been removed in Orbis.
  • The POST data parameter reassessmentParameterSets has been removed in Orbis.
    • As a consequence, the routeReassessments field is not provided in the response in Orbis.
  • The POST data parameter hilliness in the legs object has been removed in Orbis.
  • The POST data parameter windingness in the legs object has been removed in Orbis.