Satellite Tiles
This endpoint will return Digital Globe satellite imagery.
URL request example
Communication through both HTTP and HTTPS is supported.
The table below describes all of the parameters that can be used in a request. Required parameters _ must_ be used or the call will fail. Optional parameters, which are highlighted with [square brackets], may be used. If there is a default value that will be assumed when an optional parameter is not used, it is shown in the table. The order of request parameters is not important.
Parameter | Description | Req'd? | Type / Values | Default value | Max value |
baseURL | Base URL for calling the API. | Yes | | — | — |
versionNumber | Service version number. The current value is 1a. | Yes | 1a | — | — |
apiKey | Your TomTom API Key. | Yes | String | — | — |
z | Zoom value. Valid values are between 0 and 20, with 0 being the most zoomed out. | Yes | Integer | — | 20 |
x | Horizontal - or "Easting" - value. Relative to the top left point. | Yes | Integer | — | — |
y | Vertical - or "Northing" - value. Relative to the top left point. | Yes | Integer | — | — |
ext | Valid response formats are JPG and PNG. | Yes | String | — | — |
The response will be an raster image (256x256) in the format specified in the request.