Geocoding API Release Notes

Service version: 2
Last edit: 2024.06.25


This TomTom Release Notes page records the release date with changes and bug fixes associated with a product release. The release dates are in descending order starting with the most recent update.

Release date: 2024.06.28


Release date: 2024.06.25


  • Geocode
    • TomTom Orbis Maps Geocode API: Migration guide added.

Release date: 2022.10.28


Release date: 2022.05.09


Release date: 2022.04.14


  • Geocode:
    • Added a new field matchConfidence in the response for all result types.

Release date: 2021.03.05


  • Geocode:
    • Updated the response object for geographies of type PostalCodeArea in the USA with a new field postalName, which represents the name for a postal code that is related to a single administrative area, city, town, or other populated place.
    • Updated the field freeFormAddress of PostalCodeArea in the USA which will now contain postalName.
  • Structured Geocode:
    • Updated the response object for geographies of type PostalCodeArea in the USA with a new field postalName, which represents the name for a postal code that is related to a single administrative area, city, town, or other populated place.
    • Updated the field freeFormAddress of PostalCodeArea in the USA which will contain postalName.

Release date: 2021.02.16


  • Geocode:
    • Updated the response address object which has a new countrySubdivisionCode field in line with ISO 3166-2.
  • Structured Geocode:
    • Updated the response address object which has a new countrySubdivisionCode field in line with ISO 3166-2.

Release date: 2021.01.07


  • All endpoints:
    • Updated: In USA, the LocalName is now aligned with postal city/town names.

Release date: 2020.12.08


  • All endpoints:
    • Added a new entityTypeSet parameter that can be used to restrict the result to a specific entity type.