
A binder specific IviDataSourceIpc interface.

This interface does not inherit IviDataSourceIpc as each function slightly differs.

The aidl tool is not used to allow the use of suspend methods in the interface. The inner classes follow as much as possible the structure of the code generated by the aidl tool.



Element type of the data source.


Query type of the data source.



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abstract class Stub<E : Any, Q : Any>(binderContext: BinderContext, queryReader: Parcel.() -> Q, elementWriter: Parcel.(E) -> Unit) : AsyncCapableBinderInterface.Stub, IviDataSourceIpcBinderInterface<E, Q>


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abstract suspend fun createIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId, query: Q): IviDataSourceIpc.CreateIviPagingSourceResult
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abstract suspend fun invalidateIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId)
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abstract suspend fun loadPageFromIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId, loadParams: IviPagingSource.LoadParams): IviPagingSource.LoadResult<E>

Inherited functions

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abstract fun asBinder(): IBinder
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