Package-level declarations

Internal API of TomTom Digital Cockpit's IPC framework specific for sharing data sources.

Note: The API provided by this package is not guaranteed to be backward compatible. Do not import anything from this package.


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class IviDataSourceHelper<E : Any, Q : Any>(pagingSourceFactory: (Q) -> IviPagingSource<E>)

Provides a generic implementation for IviDataSource.createPagingSource and IviDataSource.createPagingSourceFlow. The implementation invokes pagingSourceFactory whenever a new IviPagingSource needs to be created.

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IPC interface of an IviDataSource.

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Binder specific data class that allows an IviDataSource to be written to and read from a Parcel.

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class IviDataSourceIpcBinderInterfaceStubImpl<E : Any, Q : Any>(iviDataSource: IviDataSource<E, Q>, binderContext: BinderContext, queryReader: Parcel.() -> Q, elementWriter: Parcel.(E) -> Unit) : IviDataSourceIpcBinderInterface.Stub<E, Q>

Service side implementation of the IviDataSourceIpcBinderInterface.

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Client side implementation of an IviDataSourceIpc interface.

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Wraps an IviDataSource to keep track of its active IviPagingSources to be able to invalidate them when markAsUnavailable is called.

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Identifies a IviPagingSource. The ID is unique per client.

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class MirroredIviDataSource<E : Any, Q : Any>(ipc: IviDataSourceIpc<E, Q>, connectionScope: CoroutineScope) : IviDataSource<E, Q>

Mirrors another IviDataSource. The mirrored IviDataSource is accessed through ipc.


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fun <E : Any, Q : Any> IviDataSourceIpcBinderData<E, Q>?.writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int)

Writes the data to the given parcel.