
Base interface for IBinder interfaces that require async replies.

See AsyncReplyReceiver for details.

The binder Stub class of derived interfaces should use AsyncCapableBinderInterface.Stub as its superclass and the binder Proxy should use AsyncCapableBinderInterface.Proxy as its superclass. These classes provide the binder interface the ability to send async replies through the AsyncReplyReceiver class.

The Stub and Proxy classes of derived interfaces should use FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION for the first binder transaction code (instead of IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION).

The aidl tool is not used as it doesn't support Kotlin coroutines. The inner classes follow as much as possible the structure of the code generated by the aidl tool.



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object Companion
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abstract class Proxy(remote: IBinder, binderContext: BinderContext) : AsyncCapableBinderInterface
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abstract class Stub(binderContext: BinderContext) : Binder, AsyncCapableBinderInterface
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Result code of binder transactions that expect an async reply.


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Inherited functions

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abstract fun asBinder(): IBinder