Package-level declarations

This module contains internal utilities related to Android's binder IPC mechanism.


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Interface for binder interfaces that can be aggregated as part of other binder interfaces.

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Base interface for IBinder interfaces that require async replies.

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Lambda prototype that can provide a reply through the returned AsyncReplyWriter.

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Receives replies asynchronously over an IBinder interface.

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typealias AsyncReplyWriter = (Parcel) -> Unit

A lambda that writes a reply to a the given Parcel.

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Identifies an async request.

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class BinderContext(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, val messageDispatchFailureListener: BinderMessageDispatchFailureListener, val syncBinderTransactionScope: CoroutineScope? = null)

Groups some properties that are needed in the binder interface implementations.

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Called when dispatching a binder transaction resulted in an Exception.

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class KillableLifecycleOwner(parentLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, mainScopeProvider: MainScopeProvider) : LifecycleOwner

LifecycleOwner which is destroyed when it catches a DeadObjectException.

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typealias MainScopeProvider = (() -> Unit) -> Unit
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interface OneWayBinderInterface : IInterface

Interface for binder interfaces that can use one way transaction.

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abstract class RegistrationToken(val id: Int) : Parcelable

Base class for registration token.

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class RegistrationTokenMap<T : RegistrationToken, V>(tokenFactory: (Int) -> T)

Utility class to generate unique tokens of type T and associate a value of type V to this token. Tokens are created by using the tokenFactory.

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Thrown when remote's BinderContext.mainCoroutineScope is cancelled while an async reply is pending.

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typealias SequencedAction = () -> Unit
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class SequencerReceiverHelper(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext)

Helper class for the receiving side on one way binder transactions.

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The counter part of the SequencerReceiverHelper on the sender side.


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inline fun <R> BinderMessageDispatchFailureListener.withMessageDispatchFailureListener(interfaceDescriptor: String, transactionName: String, block: () -> R): R

Calls BinderMessageDispatchFailureListener.onFailure when block throws an Exception. Any caught exception is rethrown.