
sealed class LoadParams

Substitutes PagingSource.LoadParams.

The PagingSource.LoadParams.key property is substituted by the dataIndex property.



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data class Append(val dataIndex: Int, val loadSize: Int, val placeholdersEnabled: Boolean) : IviPagingSource.LoadParams

See PagingSource.LoadParams.Append.

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data class Prepend(val dataIndex: Int, val loadSize: Int, val placeholdersEnabled: Boolean) : IviPagingSource.LoadParams

See PagingSource.LoadParams.Prepend.

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data class Refresh(val dataIndex: Int, val loadSize: Int, val placeholdersEnabled: Boolean) : IviPagingSource.LoadParams

See PagingSource.LoadParams.Refresh.


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abstract val dataIndex: Int

The index of the data within the IviPagingSource.

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abstract val loadSize: Int

See PagingSource.LoadParams.loadSize.

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See PagingSource.LoadParams.placeholdersEnabled.