
class Proxy<E : Any, Q : Any>(remote: IBinder, binderContext: BinderContext, queryWriter: (Parcel, Q) -> Unit, elementReader: (Parcel) -> E) : AsyncCapableBinderInterface.Proxy, IviDataSourceIpcBinderInterface<E, Q>


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constructor(remote: IBinder, binderContext: BinderContext, queryWriter: (Parcel, Q) -> Unit, elementReader: (Parcel) -> E)


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open override fun asBinder(): IBinder
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open suspend override fun createIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId, query: Q): IviDataSourceIpc.CreateIviPagingSourceResult
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open suspend override fun invalidateIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId)
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open suspend override fun loadPageFromIviPagingSource(listener: IBinder, pagingSourceId: IviPagingSourceId, loadParams: IviPagingSource.LoadParams): IviPagingSource.LoadResult<E>

Inherited functions

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open override fun removeAsyncReplyReceiver()