class PlaceDetails
Information about the retrieved place.
Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
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constructor( name: String = "", street: String = "", address: String = "", city: String = "", citySubdivision: String = "", countryTertiarySubdivision: String = "", countrySecondarySubdivision: String = "", countrySubdivision: String = "", country: String = "", distance: FormattedDistance? = null, position: GeoPoint, entryPoints: List<EntryPoint> = emptyList(), phones: Set<String> = emptySet(), emails: Set<String> = emptySet(), urls: Set<String> = emptySet(), brands: Set<Brand> = emptySet(), fuelTypes: Set<FuelType> = emptySet(), vehicleTypes: Set<VehicleType> = emptySet(), connectorTypes: Set<ConnectorType> = emptySet(), timeZone: TimeZone? = null, openingHours: OpeningHours? = null)
Constructor to create a new PlaceDetails object.
constructor( name: String = "", street: String = "", address: String = "", city: String = "", citySubdivision: String = "", countryTertiarySubdivision: String = "", countrySecondarySubdivision: String = "", countrySubdivision: String = "", country: String = "", distance: FormattedDistance? = null, position: GeoPoint, entryPoints: List<EntryPoint> = emptyList())
Constructor to create a new PlaceDetails object.
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The subdivision of the city where the place is located.
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The types of connectors available at the place (if it's an Electric Vehicle Station).
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The secondary subdivision of the country where the place is located.
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The subdivision of the country where the place is located.
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The tertiary subdivision of the country where the place is located.
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The distance to the place.
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The entry points to the place.
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The opening hours of the place.
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The types of vehicles that can access this place.
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fun copy( name: String =, street: String = this.street, address: String = this.address, city: String =, citySubdivision: String = this.citySubdivision, countryTertiarySubdivision: String = this.countryTertiarySubdivision, countrySecondarySubdivision: String = this.countrySecondarySubdivision, countrySubdivision: String = this.countrySubdivision, country: String =, distance: FormattedDistance? = this.distance, position: GeoPoint = this.position, entryPoints: List<EntryPoint> = this.entryPoints): PlaceDetails
Creates a copy of this PlaceDetails object.