
class ChargingOptions(    val minChargeAtDestination: Energy,     val minChargeAtChargingStops: Energy,     val avoidChargingParks: List<UUID> = emptyList(),     val chargingStopsStrategy: ChargingStopsStrategy = ChargingStopsStrategy.AutomaticFastest)

Represents the electric vehicle options that provide charging information.


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constructor(    minChargeAtDestination: Energy,     minChargeAtChargingStops: Energy,     avoidChargingParks: List<UUID> = emptyList(),     chargingStopsStrategy: ChargingStopsStrategy = ChargingStopsStrategy.AutomaticFastest)


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Charging parks not to be considered for charging.

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Specifies the charging stops strategy to be used by the Online Routing service.

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The desired minimum battery charge level upon arrival at each charging station. However, the remaining charge at the first charging stop may be lower.

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The battery level upon arrival at the destination the battery will be charged to at least this level.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String